SUMMARY: hyperlinks in printed WORD docs

Subject: SUMMARY: hyperlinks in printed WORD docs
From: "Benzi Schreiber" <benzi -at- tradeum -dot- com>
To: "techwhirl" <TECHWR-L -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 12:48:53 +0200

Thanks everyone for all the responses. Seems I'm not the only one around who
wants the hyperlinks to show up on screen but not in print.

Most people suggested formats that would reduce the irritation of seeing
hyperlinks in print; on the other hand, there was one person who said that
her reviewers *want* to see the hyperlinks in the printed doc. Go figure. I
guess it would be nice to touch a hyperlink on a page and to be sent to the
referenced location; I suppose that's something for the *next* millenium!

The solution I'm implementing (unless someone can tell me why not!) is the
one suggested by Birgit, my editor:

>> It's a View setting. Go to
Tools>Options. At the bottom right of the top third of the dialog box is a
field called Field shading. There are three settings choices. Select Always,
which means that the
hyperlinks have these gray shaded boxes around them, indicating them as
hyperlinks. And here's the snazzy part: the gray doesn't print. This means
that you wouldn't have to deal with changing the font color. Aren't those
gray boxes neat :-)) (I didn't know how to show tongue-in-cheek) <<

Thanks Birgit!

Benzi Schreiber
Tradeum Inc.
Malcha Technology Park
Jerusalem, Israel
Tel: +972 2 6481333 x 203
Mobile: 972 54 617529
benzi -at- tradeum -dot- com

ICQ: 40094030

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