ADMIN: Re: Summary: Educational Choices

Subject: ADMIN: Re: Summary: Educational Choices
From: Eric Ray <ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com>
To: Steve Piccolo <pic -at- byu -dot- edu>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 12:19:55 -0700

Steve Piccolo wrote:
> One techwr-l member notified me that he or she feels my inquiry was
> inappropriate for this list. I apologize if anyone else was offended. Please
> email me if you would like to receive a summary of the responses I received.

That TECHWR-L member was incorrect and certainly not speaking for the
list. Your initial query was perfect for this list.

When you--or anyone--get personal messages
that indicate that a message or subject isn't appropriate for
the list, please just ask the sender if they're referencing something
specifically in the rules and suggest that they should probably
check with me before presuming to speak for me.

In the final analysis, if someone objects to the content on this
list, they can either exercise their delete key or sign off, but
should not attempt to control or discourage certain content on their
own. For better or worse, the rules for this list are pretty
clear and generally followed, so people who object to content
on this list should probably move on.


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