Re: Re[2]: multiple TWs for a project

Subject: Re: Re[2]: multiple TWs for a project
From: "Anthony Markatos" <tonymar -at- hotmail -dot- com>
To: hhager -at- dttus -dot- com, techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 14:35:18 PST

Tony writes:

In writing a properly chunked document, the TWs will not have to do a
lot of coordinating between themselves. It is in coordinating the
different chunks that major disagreements occur.

Harry Hager asks:

So, Tony, you are advocating that tech writers individually go off in
their own corner, write their chunks of a large project, and then add
it to the pile of chunks without any coordinating or peer reviews in
the meantime?

Tony Markatos responds:

Damn straight! If I'm forced to coordinate with another writer on a project, only one of us is coming out alive!

Just kidding. There will always be a need to coordinate, and planned peer reviews are a good idea. However, by properly chunking the project, we reduce the amount of unplanned coordination required.

Tony Markatos
(tonymar -at- hotmail -dot- com)

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