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SUMMARY (very long): Preferred Online Formats
SUMMARY (very long): Preferred Online Formats
Sandra Charker <scharker -at- connectives -dot- com>
techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Fri, 18 Feb 2000 05:49:58 +1100
In January I asked about TechWhirlers' experiences as users of PDF
documents online. The specific questions were:
1. Do you notice a difference between reading PDF online and reading HTML
2. Do you have a preference either way? If so, which one?
Here's the summary or responses and a synopsis of further information I've
been tracking down. I'm sorry it's taken so long: like many an unplanned
project it got way out of hand. I've tried to restrict this message to
issues of interest to the list; if I've failed please accept my apologies.
Summary of responses:
12 people responded. All either preferred HTML themselves for online
reading, or assumed that most people do and suggested ways to improve PDF
for online. Several like Acrobat's search capability. Some mentioned that
printing a PDF gives a much better result than printing from a browser.
Attention-grabbing sound bite:
For people reading online, PDF has no advantages and some substantial
disadvantages over HTML. The benefits of PDF are all to designers,
publishers, authors, and content controllers. For designers those
advantages are overstated: at this time there is no such thing as control
over the appearance of an online document. For publishers, authors, and
content controllers, the advantages can be outweighed by user difficulties
with readability, file download, and the Acrobat reader. There's good
evidence that people read, comprehend, and retain information less
effectively from screen than they do from print. PDF compounds this
problem. At this time PDF should not be used as an online format except for
ephemeral, archive, or trivial material.
Balanced and moderate discussion:
I have no argument with the value of PDF as a format for documents intended
for print, and particularly as a means of distributing print-ready copy. My
questions and this discussion are wholly concerned with reading and using
PDFs online.
However, I question the assumption that general users print PDFs. I think
it's probable that many are read or skimmed online before their readers
make a decision about printing them. Given the popularity of the Acrobat
search, it's even possible that *most of the PDFs published as printable
documentation are used mainly online.
In digging around for information about the effective use of PDF online I
found myself exploring the world of e-books (devices and content), yet
another area where technology is moving with breathless speed and the
ongoing war between proprietary and open standards is raging. Two points
are relevant.
First, PDF is a widely-used format for commercial electronic books.
Publishers sell PDF books with the explicit expectation that they'll be
read online. Writers' e-book websites recommend PDF because the pages look
like print.
Second, there's an immense amount of effort going into improving resolution
for online reading. We discussed e-book devices and the ClearType format
briefly on this list late last year. I've recently seen a report of a 450
dpi device; blurriness probably isn't a problem on that one. OTOH, Adobe
and Palm have just announced that the PalmOS will support PDF; that's
mind-boggling, even to someone who's happily read magazines and books on a
Palm III.
The problems with PDF seem to fall into two groups, PDF readability and
Acrobat Reader usability. There's a also a set of issues to do with the
relationship between Web browsers and Acrobat.
PDF Readability
No one liked PDF better than HTML for online reading; some had no
preference, or their preference depended on what they wanted to do with the
text. Comments included "it's painful to look at", [PDF files] "are
typically hard to read on-screen, particularly if you have an older
notebook computer with a small, poorly-lit screen", and "the blurriness
causes online PDF to lack the 'immediacy' of HTML characters online".
I haven't found any discussions of PDF readability on publishing or
usability sites. This surprises me, because it's not hard to find people
around the Web who don't like it. I haven't kept all these links, but
common words are "blurry", and "smeary". The following is a slightly edited
msg from a TW who works for a software house and is a long-time advocate of
Acrobat. I quote it because it's the closest thing to quantitative
information I have:
"... A third to half the people [at this company] using Acrobat find it's
not optimum for long term screen viewing due to the anti-aliasing.
Personally, I don't even see it... Interestingly, it's women who seem to
have the most complaints. I think I found one woman (out of the eight that
work here) that didn't mind Acrobat's display. All the others found it a
little "soft" or "fuzzy." Of the 5-6 men I've asked, a couple have
complained of resolution but most haven't. The biggest complaint is that
they don't like the software--they prefer WinHelp."
Common suggestions for improving online reading include setting the page
size and shape so that it matches a monitor better than an 8X11 or an A4
page, and using a larger than normal (for print) font size. These things
undoubtedly go part of the way, but even for page size and shape they
aren't the whole story: what's an appropriate page size and shape for a
mobile phone? For a Win-CE handheld? And for fonts, "Use larger fonts"
seems to be about as complete a guideline for usable PDFs as "Use active
voice" is a complete guideline for clear writing.
Here's a test. PDF some text in one of the fonts specifically designed for
the Web, and compare the PDF output with the same text in HTML. I used
Distiller to PDF text in Georgia: for the PDF I used 10, 12, and 14
point. 14 pt is about the smallest recommended for an online PDF, but I
tested the smaller sizes because even 14 pt seriously limits the amount of
text that will fit into a display. Didn't matter: even at 14pt, Georgia,
which is my preferred screen font, makes me feel slightly queasy in PDF.
This highlights one source of my confusion about this whole issue. I have
reams of information about fonts for screen and fonts for print; I can find
many discussions about font processing for postscript. But I haven't found
any information about fonts that will be processed through postscript to
screen. And, as the Georgia test shows, that process can break the rules of
font selection for online viewing.
I therefore disagree with the claim made by one respondent that "A PDF
designed to be read on screen can be every bit as good as HTML, and
probably better (on the assumption it's designed by a typographer who
understands that legibility takes [precedence] over creativity)". I think
that the technology is not yet up to the requirements of typography.
I did find references to some font traps for producers of PDF files. One is
to do with Type 3 PostScript, which apparently can lead to problems when
the output is viewed under Windows. Another is to do with documents
originating in LaTex. In both cases the output is described as blurry; I
don't know how they compare with the Windows-produced Windows-viewed
blurriness that I experience.
Adobe also has a couple of support database articles on blurry output.
Their solution for blurry text is for the user to turn off anti-aliasing.
I've tried that - not nice. More to the point, a general user who doesn't
know PDF from pickled dill is unlikely to find this "solution".
Acrobat Reader
The person who needed to prevent users from printing their online documents
was one of those who mentioned that many people "don't know much about
using the Acrobat interface & aren't interested in learning." Speaking for
themselves, others commented that they don't like the scrolling in Acrobat,
that they don't like the zoom options, that it feels clunky.
Many people do like the ability to search multiple information chunks (IOW
a book, if that's what the document is) instead being limited to searching
the current page as you are in an HTML browser. This fits the experience
I had on a recent contract: developers regularly used the printer-ready
PDFs of user manuals, even while they complained about how much they didn't
like them, because they like the search. That example was interesting
because the identical content was also available to them as HTMLHelp, but
they didn't seem to like that much either - I don't know why.
Incidentally, you can't run a full-text search on a printed document. It
would be reasonable for people who like Acrobat for its search capability
to prefer to use PDFs online.
The Reader and the Browser
By definition, if you launch Acrobat either in a browser or from a Web
page, you're breaking away from the conventions of the Web. That's risky:
the Web is confusing enough already without introducing a whole different
look and feel. If, on the other hand, you provide PDFs for download, you
rely on users to have downloaded and installed the Reader for themselves.
That's also risky: it's a big download, and PDFs are often big downloads
too (though an awful lot of sites don't bother to tell you how big their
files are).
However, my impression is that most TechWhirlers are using PDFs either for
intranet material or to supply as user-printable manuals with software.
For an intranet, I think you still need to be careful, especially if the
organisation is widely dispersed - and who has more need for an intranet
after all? Connection speeds vary, technical support varies (and yes there
are people who need help installing Acrobat reader), and equipment varies -
even sites that standardise on software and versions still have old machines.
For both intranets and with software, do not assume that users know how to
use Acrobat, and don't assume that they can or will print your documents,
even if you tell them to. As far as possible, design your documents so
that they are at least legible online - the best solution for reasonably
sophisticated users is probably 2 versions, but at the very least you can
avoid fonts with fine strokes. And if you get the chance to do usability
testing or studies, or even surveys, of how your users really do use your
PDFs, please grab it. I haven't found any quantitative information about
PDFs: if it exists at all, then I think it might be proprietary or
commissioned research.
Where to now?
One TechWhirler commented that "Acrobat's PDFs are a stop-gap solution that
will happily go the way of DOS and GOPHER." I agree that PDF is interim and
very imperfect technology, and I think that the paper-centric model of PDF
is fundamentally flawed for online use.
Which was once all fair enough: PDF preceded the Web, and had wide
acceptance in some major organisations (the US government for instance)
before the Web went mainstream. It was reasonable then to expect that
thousands of people would become familiar and comfortable with Acrobat
Reader; nobody knew in 1992 that millions would become familiar with Web
PDFs are quick to produce from widely-used authoring software, can preserve
scanned material, and do cross platforms. Those are real benefits. And,
while I think the design benefit is overstated, I don't think it should be
ignored. Book design, like book indexing and cataloguing, has developed
over hundreds of years. There's precious little evidence yet that online
design has taken that knowledge to heart, let alone started to move forward
into its own future.
Thanks to TechWhirlers:
Jessica Lange
Tim Altom
Blaine Bachman
Darren Barefoot
Joy Brady
Daniel Hall
Geoff Hart
Paula Jagt
John Locke
Chuck Murray
Jean Weber
and special thanks to Jerilynne Sanders of Simply Written
References and Resources
The following books all include some information about typography or font
selection. Some of it is pretty cursory, and none refers specifically to
PDFs. OTOH, they're all well worth reading for the rest of their content.
Karen Schriver : "Dynamics in Document Design"
Marlana Coe: "Human Factors for Technical Communicators"
William Horton: "Designing and Writing Online Documentation"
Joann Hackos and Dawn Stevens: Standards for Online Communication"
The only book I've consulted that deals specifically with typography is
Robin Williams: "The Non-Designer's Design Book"
I've just ordered a copy of:
Alex White: "Type in Use: Effective Typography for Electronic Publishing"
http://www.graphic-design.com/Type/ Print-focused, but most typography
sites are.
http://www.will-harris.com/typoscrn.htm This page is Daniel Will-Harris'
discussion of type for online. The site includes a clever guide to font
selection and a heap of material about fonts in general.
http://webreview.com/wr/pub/Web_Fonts Daniel Will-Harris features heavily
on this site too, but the emphasis is on type for the Web.
http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ Not a lot here, but there is
discussion of Microsoft's ClearType implementation and a bit about
Microsoft's take on the Open eBook standard.
Sites about PDF:
Fascinating to see a tide of interest in PDF for online forms... Look out
guys: the inmates are targetting this asylum as well.
http://www.pdfplanet.com/ A world (sorry) of expertise. The subsite
http://www.acrobuddies.com/ is where I'd ask for help if I had an online
project where there was a serious problem with HTML.
The e-paper section of planetpdf contains a link to a PDFed white paper
"Using Large Format PDF", which is about PDF for online. It uses a 20-point
sans-serif for the body text, and to my eyes most of the vertical strokes
are blurry. The text is certainly readable, but the price is that not much
fits on a page.
http://www.performancegraphics.com/ This is a company site, with a lot of
detailed technical information about PDF itself and effective ways to use
it. It's a bit confusing, and has a painfully large graphic on the home
page, but it's worth pursuing.
http://www.pdfzone.com/ Is a zone bigger than a planet? Dunno, but this one
also has a lot of good info.
http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/3ece.htm Adobe itself has plenty of
information about PDF. This particular link is to the article about blurry
http://www.openebook.org/ Open eBook is the non-proprietary standard. It's
based on XML, and its explicit intention is that any eBook can be read on
any device. The specification is available for download in *seven formats:
subtle aren't they? The DTDs are also available.
http://www.jeffkirvin.com/writingonyourpalm/ An eBook author with
interesting things to say about formats and a useful set of links to eBook
sites. The site also has some really useful ideas for using the Palm for
http://www.ebooknet.com/ A lot of information from a business perspective
about e-book developments.
Web usability:
Jakob Neilsen: http://www.useit.com/
Keith Instone: http://www.usableweb.com/
David Anderson: http://www.uidesign.net/ A different perspective on some of
the issues involved in content delivery.
Hope all this is useful to someone. Thanks again.
Sandra Charker
mailto: sandra -at- connectives -dot- com
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