Re: Emergency Help Needed
I need help. I am currently taking my final class in
technical writing at UCSC. I am doing my final project which
is a style guide. I have it completed but every time I try
to print it, I get post script errors on pages 19 and 34. I
use a Macintosh G3 with a Personal LaserWriter (Apple).
Is there any way I can find out what is causing this post
script error? Any ideas about how to fix this problem? The
project isn't due until March 4, but I need to get it
printed so I can do a final edit and possible re-write.
Any help would be appreciated.
JoAnn Ricks
San Jose, CA
Marc A. Santacroce
Senior Technical Writer
ePubs, Inc.
"I write, I train; either way you learn."
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