Where are all the entry-level jobs??

Subject: Where are all the entry-level jobs??
From: "Not Working" <workingnot -at- hotmail -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTS -dot- RAYCOMM -dot- COM
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 19:56:35 PST


I recently received my B.A. in Technical Writing, and have been trying to get a job for months. I followed people's advice while I was in school: Put together a good portfolio, get internships, go to the university career center, etc., but I haven't had any luck. I have sent out approximately 50 resumes, and only received 1 call from an employer, who told me that the position had already been filled.

I've even sent resumes for jobs for which I was over-qualified (according to the requirements listed in the respective job ad). I've also applied for internships, with no luck. And yes, I have asked former classmates about openings at their companies, which don't exist.

I'm spending SO much of my time (about 8 hours a day, often more) searching job postings and multiple company web sites, trying to find something that'll get me in SOMEWHERE, but I'm getting extremely frustrated and discouraged with this process. I wish I could take an unpaid internship, but I can't afford that.

So does anyone have suggestions for finding an entry-level writing/editing job? Do they even exist? Location doesn't matter anymore--I'm willing to move since CA companies don't seem to want me.

Sorry for the long post--but I guess I not only needed advice, I needed to vent.


"Jane Woe"
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