Re: portfolio again - clarification

Subject: Re: portfolio again - clarification
From: Tracy Boyington <tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org>
To: TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 09:27:20 -0600

> It seems to me to be too easy for someone to
> pass of work as theirs when they may not have done anything in the
> document.
> Has anyone else had this experience?

Kind of... I've seen a title in someone's "list of publications" that I *knew*
she didn't write. She was involved in the production, but had nothing to do with
writing or editing. In her case it's possible that she was so
naive/ignorant/misguided that she didn't realize what a "list of publications"
meant (though the svengali who encouraged her to put this on her resume and
probably even wrote the resume knew darn well it was a lie, but that's another
story). With so many applicants who are either ignorant or evil enough to claim
credit for work they they didn't do, it makes sense to take any sample with a
grain of salt and treat it as a starting point for further questions, not
absolute proof of anything.

It's a sad, sad world...
Tracy Boyington mailto:tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org
Oklahoma Department of Vocational & Technical Education
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Beware the idiots of March

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