Re: Education for tech writers

Subject: Re: Education for tech writers
From: figmo -at- rahul -dot- net (Lynn Gold)
To: kpadova -at- Paytrust -dot- com
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 13:45:28 -0800 (PST)

Kathleen Padova wrote:
>After 13 years I am finally finishing my undergraduate degree. Unlike David,
>I have waaaayyyy more credits needed to graduate; I just never "fit" any of
>the majors. At one point I *was* a tech & sci comm major.
>Last summer I went back to school and asked for the cheapest, fastest way
>outta here. They were just about to offer a BS in General Studies and I
>offered to be their poster child. Despite having enough credits I STILL
>didn't fit the program requirements and spent the last several months
>cramming in classes. If all the paperwork makes it through, I am expected to
>graduate this June with 225.5 credits (the degree requires 180 credits).
>Why am I doing this? It certainly hasn't hurt my career. An undergraduate
>degree would *not* result in an increase in salary or promotion. The only
>time my lack of degree was a hindrance was when a recruiter wanted to place
>me at a large company who refused to look at anyone without an undergrad
>degree. Interestingly, this company would accept contractors without a
>degree; but could not offer permanent employment.

I did the same thing you did, including graduating with extra credits. I
can tell you firsthand the degree not only WILL result in a short-term AND
long-term increase in your salary (just wait till you try changing jobs and
watch those dollar signs fly!), but will also make it easier for you to get
work in the first place. Before my degree, I would go as long as six to
nine months between jobs; after the degree, my worst lapse was two or three
months, and part of that was by choice (read: you don't get work when
you're not looking for it).

Congratulations on getting your degree!


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