Re: Time Standards on Contractors

Subject: Re: Time Standards on Contractors
From: "Anthony Markatos" <tonymar -at- hotmail -dot- com>
To: jbyrd -at- byrdwrites -dot- com, techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 08:04:28 PST

Jo Francis Byrd said:

If you're gonna be a contractor, you have to abide by the golden rule: the clients gots the gold, the clients makes the rules.

Tony Markatos responds:

As a former air traffic controller (USAF), I truly prefer to work to a predetermined set of rules - it makes life a lot easier. Can you imagine a ruleless ATC system?

However, when doing TW contracting, I have often found that the client does not have an adequate set of rules; he most often solicits me for a significant number of rules (methods, procedures, etc.). I don't have any firm rules, just suggested guidelines. So, I - per the customer - go that route. Problem: My suggested guideline, at some point, violates some UNSTATED client rule.

Tony Markatos
(tonymar -at- hotmail -dot- com)

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