RE: Ind. Contractors - where do you get new clients?
I must have been very wicked in my last life, or something. When I talk up
what I do for a living, the more likely response is "Oh really, I've been
thinking about doing that myself."
Ouch. For a long time, something very close to that used to be my response. (More like "I'd love to be able to get into that myself.") Then about four years ago someone gave me a chance, based on a very skimpy portfolio (kind of like the scenario below, actually), and now I'm at the other side of the conversation.
It's nothing compared to what fiction writers have to deal with, though.
> ----------
> From: Humbird, LenX[SMTP:lenx -dot- humbird -at- intel -dot- com]
> Reply To: Humbird, LenX
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 10:39 AM
> Subject: FW: Ind. Contractors - where do you get new clients?
> I took my young son to a playground one day, and idly talked with another
> parent. When she asked what I did for a living, I told her. She said, "Oh,
> my husband is looking for a tech writer!" Her husband was the president of
> a
> small medical software company. That was the start of another long-term
> source of business.
Beth Friedman / bjf -at- wavefront -dot- com
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