RE: Placement of tables/figures

Subject: RE: Placement of tables/figures
From: "Michael West" <mwest -at- oz -dot- quest -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 11:30:05 +1000

Carrie Miller wrote

> Lately, the documentation department has debating where to
> place figures and tables. Some feel that when placed within a procedure,
> tables and graphics are too intrusive. Others feel they should be placed
> within the procedures, next to the step they pertain to.

Except for very short lists or tables, which aren't obtrusive in the
procedure list, a good solution is to place the table immediately following
the last step in the procedure, with a cross reference to it in the
procedural step where the detail may be required.

If there are many such tables, or if the same tables are needed by multiple
procedures, you can collect all such tables in one location (appendix or
separate chapter) and insert very specific cross references (page numbers and
table headings) in the procedural steps that require to the information.

Mike West
Melbourne, Australia

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