XML Documentation Anyone?
Dear Techwhirlers,
I have found a lot of great sites for XML. But none of them really cover
how a technical writer could use XML for documentation. Does anyone know of
any sites that instruct the tech writer on producing XML-based documentation
that also provide good examples of XML pages, DTDs, and XSL style sheets?
I promise to post the results after a few days of gathering suggestions.
I have a related question: Does anyone know of sources on how to document
XML itself. Our product uses a number of XML-format files for configuration.
We document the tags and their uses, but have yet to find any sort of
standard for the form of this documentation.
Lest you say "The DTD should be self-documenting," let me counter that poin
here. DTDs contain the grammar, but not the semantics of a document. They
don't explain how elements interrelate. For example, if a certain setting
on one element implies a restriction on the setting of another element. So we
do need additional documentation. Of course, we also provide the DTDs.
If there is a lot of interest/response to this topic, I'll be glad to post a summary.
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