SUMMARY Re: can you generate a list of tags used?

Subject: SUMMARY Re: can you generate a list of tags used?
From: John Wilcox <jwilcox -at- tcsi -dot- com>
To: "List, Framers" <framers -at- frameusers -dot- com>, "List, STC Lone Writers" <stclwrsig-l -at- stc -dot- org>, "List, Techwr-l" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 19:09:38 -0700

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Wilcox [mailto:jwilcox -at- tcsi -dot- com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 4:24 PM
> Subject: can you generate a list of tags used?
> I'm developing a new doc template, and one of the things I want to do is greatly
> reduce the number of tags used. The docs in the book do not share the exact
> same list of tags, and up to 176 tags are in the list! I was hoping there
> was a way to generate a list of the paragraph and character tages that are
> actually used in a doc (or book), so that I can determine which to map to new tags
> and which to just delete, but I cannot seem to find a way. Do any of you know
> how to do this?

I received several responses, giving various ways to do this. I have downloaded
all the software and have been meaning to test them all, but it looks like I'm
not going to get around to that for a couple of weeks. So I'll just list the
ways and you can check them out on your own. Or, wait a while and I'll report
further when I do test them. Thanks very much to all who responded; I expect
one or more of these methods will save me a lot of time.

Leslie Grimm wrote:

There is a utility called MIF Muncher that I used to do this awhile back. I
think you can download it for free from the FrameUsers Web site
( Look under Power Tools II.

[This is a Windows utility.]

Susan Corcoran wrote:

There's a great shareware tool for doing just what you need - I use it all the
time. It's called Paragraph Whopper, and you can find it at>Power Tools II>Cudspan. If you can't get to it from the
Frameusers site, let me know and I'll forward a copy. All the Cudspan tools are

[Another Windows utility. This one lists the tags NOT used.]

Sarah O'Keefe wrote (since I mentioned I would be using WebWorks Publisher):

WWP only shows the tags that are being used in the various mappings, so
it's a quick and dirty way to check whether a tag is in use or not.

[Actually, that sounds pretty clean to me. :-) ]

Thomas Michanek wrote:

You were on Solaris, weren't you? If that's so, you can try my free
MIF scripts, which include the UNIX script "mifreport", giving exactly
the information you need. There's also a UNIX script "mifformats",
which can list and compare the actual definition of tags between files.
Go to my framers Web page and take a look at "MIF scripts".

Rick Henkel wrote:

If you use FrameScript, you can use a script to tell you what tags are used
in a file. Rick Quatro developed such a script and lists it as shareware at

Yves Barbion wrote:

Yes you can, using mTools, a plug-in which is available separately now and
will be included in Frame 6.

[I haven't installed my FM 6 upgrade yet, but if Yves is right, this will
probably be the easiest solution.]

BĂ©atrice Marchand wrote:

This is possible: you can generate a list of paragraph tags, etc. from the Book
file by using the Add File.. command, then choose "List of Paragraphs" or
whatever you want in the lists.

[I tried a couple iterations of this before I posted my query, and it didn't
work for me. Maybe I was doing something wrong.]


John Wilcox - Senior Technical Writer, TCSI, Bothell, Washington
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly
sick society. -- J. Krishnamurti

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