RE: TOOLS: MS Word numbering frustration

Subject: RE: TOOLS: MS Word numbering frustration
From: "Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore+ -at- cmu -dot- edu>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:07:02 -0400

Becca Price wrote:
> I'm using Word 97-sr2 on Windows NT. I've just been given a new document
> template to use ... and it uses automatic numbering for the Steps style.
> The trouble is, the autonumbering continues from the previous list. When
> I select Format: Bullets and Numbering and check "start at 1", the numbering
> restarts, but I lose my indentations. yeah, I can fix it, but it's a pain.

I've run into this more times than I can count, and only recently have I
figured out what's going on. It's not a Word "bug" (per se) as others have
asserted, but it is a feature that is so weirdly coded that most people don't
know how it works.

The problem is with the template.

Indents for numbered lists are supposed to be set by the numbering formats.
Your template was constructed to set the indents by the paragraph formats.
When you reset the numbering, the indents are reset by the numbering formats.

You need to modify the numbering formats to yield the correct indents.

Put the insertion point in a numbered list
Choose "Format>Style" from the menu bar
On the "Style" dialog, select "Modify..."
On the "Modify Style" dialog, select "Format>Numbering..."
On the "Bullets and Numbering" dialog, select "Customize..."
On the "Customize [Outline] Numbered List" dialog, set your indents
Select "OK"
Select "OK"
Select "Apply"

There are number of hoops, but if you jump through them all, Word does what
you want.

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans eeyore+ -at- cmu -dot- edu

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