Re: Stalking the wiley tech writer

Subject: Re: Stalking the wiley tech writer
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com>
To: techwr-l digest recipients <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 11:01:20 -0700

"Sharon Burton-Hardin" <sharonburton -at- earthlink -dot- net> wrote:

>I am an anthropologist by training who is also a tech writer. And I love
>watching the culture! It is the best. We are our own wacky little culture.

Funny, I've always thought that tech-writers were
anthropologists, interpreting geekdom to the world and learning
just enough to fit in and observe.

We even have the same status as anthropologists (which, at
potlatches in Bella Coola, an anthropologist friend told me, is
just above the mentally deficient and alongside children of
indeterminate ancestry).

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
"The Open Road" column, Maximum Linux
3015 Aries Place, Burnaby, BC V3J 7E8, Canada
bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com 604.421.7189

"There'll always be a happy hour,
For those with money, jobs and power,
They'll never realize the hurt,
They do the men they treat like dirt.
- Kay Sutcliffe, "Coal, Not Dole"

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