RE: them engineers

Subject: RE: them engineers
From: kimber_miller -at- acs-inc -dot- com
To: <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 17:16:22 -0500

Regarding the sub-thread of note-taking and engineer-appeasement:

In any meeting, my notes are about -my- concerns in the project. And I say
exactly that whenever I am asked to take notes at a requirements session, design
session, or whatever.

"Of course I take notes", I say, when asked--"don't you jot down the things that
are important to your responsibilities?" (JUST said this the other day)

Deborah, the excellent Admin in our office, takes notes that are great general
summaries. I'm the business analyst (or TW, depending on the phase)--I'm not
sure my notes would meet anyone else's needs.

If I know the requestor pretty well, I'll ask him if he wants to borrow my pen.
(and it's never been "her")

Jeff must work in an environment where administrative and tech writing duties
are indiscernible, and in which he must never struggle for
acceptance/validation/position/recognition. Maybe this comes down to the
difference in male and female experience in the workplace. Maybe we women are
defensive about being perceived as secretaries when the gender has struggled
against restrictions to pink-collar professions. Maybe it's really no big deal.


Kimber Miller
kimber_miller -at- acs-inc -dot- com
Affiliated Computer Services
Dallas, Texas

Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.

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