Re: Interesting XML discussion from TechWr-L [long]
I tend to be conservative in my requests, and I try to ask
for fundamentals rather than asking for everything. If the
fundamentals are there, and they include hooks to add in the
fancier stuff later, that's good enough for me.
A true XML parser in Maker+SGML. I suppose it should be
event based since the SGML API is event based. Also, I
suspect that's better because many of the Maker customers
are dealing with HUGE documents, and loading a full tree in
memory may not be a good idea. If I had leave to dream, I
would ask for modular incorporation of the parser, with
hooks for me to change parsers via the API. Certainly, it
should be made easy for Adobe to change parsers!
Unicode. Maker already supports double-byte characters.
Let's fully support Unicode.
A sample API client that is a net client. XML includes URL
links to DTD's, entities, etc. Just show me how to include
that in my Maker environment.
XSL support. Either that, or a sample API client that is a=============================
subset implementation there of. In fact, whatever XSL
support you provide, do it via the API, and give me the
source. If it isn't ready for prime time, call it an API
sample, and give it minimal Q/A. If it is ready for prime
time, call it a feature. But give me *something* here.
Full link support. But I can always translate Maker xrefs
into whatever type of link I need via the SGML API. So I
would not sweat it if that wasn't there in 7.0
XSL/CSS translation to and from EDD formatting... This is
Dan's request, and it would be nice. But I believe that is
something a third party could develop via the SGML API. It
would be nice for Adobe to do it, but there may not be the
business case for it.
Pretty modest, eh?
Far too modest, I fear.
| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory -at- primenet -dot- com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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