Wanted: Free-lance Rates

Subject: Wanted: Free-lance Rates
From: Jeremiah Gardner <Jeremiah -dot- Gardner -at- schwans -dot- com>
To: "'techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com'" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 08:49:22 -0500

Hey all. I'm a "tech writer" at a food company in the Midwest. Even though
we are a large company, I am one of only two tech writers. As such, it is
impossible to take care of all of the tech writing opportunities here. We
have one project, in particular, for which an extensive Winhelp system must
be developed. I figure it could be up to a five- or six-month project for a
single Help author. Because our resources are limited, I'm getting
"important people" thinking about the idea of hiring a free-lance tech
writer, who could do the job and then hand it over to me for maintenance.

I'm wondering if any of you could throw out some ballpark figures on how
much it generally costs to bring in a free-lancer. Some average rates or
something - just so I have more info to give to the "important people."
NOTE: Our offices are not in a metropolitan area, so a free-lancer would
have to be brought in from at least 2.5 hours away.


Jeremiah Gardner
jeremiah -dot- gardner -at- schwans -dot- com

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