Re: Get your resume together

Subject: Re: Get your resume together
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com>
To: rebecca rachmany <rebecca -at- COMMERCEMIND -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:46:25 -0700

rebecca rachmany wrote:
> It amazes me how many of the requests for help on this list get at least one
> answer which advises the writer to get his resume together. Sometimes the
> reason cited is "just in case", but more frequently the sentiment is more
> along the lines of "take this job and shove it." Incidentally, it seems to
> me that many of these responses come from those who are independent
> contractors or contracting company owners, that is, those who don't have to
> deal with other people's inane decisions for longer than the lifetime of
> their current project.

In my case, that's one of the reasons why I AM a contractor.
Standing on the bridge of the "Titanic" is a fascinating view,
but it's not one I care for unless I have an equaling and a wet
suit ready. In the long run, it's frustrating to watch a disaster
while being unable to help.

> In my experience, being a technical writer involves a great level of
> maturity and political finesse. In fact, just about any job requires putting
> up with a certain percentage of inane decisions by pointy-haired bosses.

True - and anyone who quit at the first sign of frustration would
soon be unable to find work. But if somebody has reached the
point of venting their frustration on the mailing list, they've
probably reached the limits of their tolerance.

> The chances are high that we are simply going to trade our current political problems for new ones.

At least the news ones have novelty in their favor. :-)

> It seems some of us too easily give up on tough situations--simply because
> we can, in today's high-tech market. The risk is practically zero, since
> there is no problem in changing again another six months down the line. Now,
> don't get me wrong, I'm not some old-time conservative and I'm not saying
> you should put up with no-win situations. I've changed jobs twice this year,
> because my dream job turned out to have the nightmare boss; and my resume is
> always tuned. But I have a feeling that too many of us have a tendency to
> turn our backs on problems rather than face them. As the philosopher Linus
> van Pelt once said, "There is no problem so great and complicated that it
> cannot be run away from."

No denying - it's a wonderful luxury to be able to pick and
choose. When I look at people I went through grad school with who
are still clinging to the fringes of academia, taking jobs well
below their capabilities, I realize how lucky I am to have the
power to choose.

Personally, like the agitator who always has a bus ticket in his
back pocket, I always have my resume ready. I do try to work out
any difficulties I have on the job. Probably, I endure longer
than most people - certainly longer than is healthy for me,

However, some people see being accommodating as a sign of
weakness, and will pounce on you for trying to be decent. In the
past, I've had my life turned into a writhing hell by such
people, so I don't care to endure them. Besides, if you can't
reach a working arrangement, there comes a point when acquiescing
to a bad situation makes you part of it.

Of course, acquiescing is often considered mature or responsible,
but who's doing the defining? Answer: the people who are on your
case. Naturally, it's in their interests to have you acquiesce.
The work gets done, and they can continue to inflict their egos
on everyone. In these cases, the only loser is you - the one
doing a slow burn inside.

In the immortal words of Cyrano de Bergerac, "Non, merci!"

(And, of course, we all know how he ended up, right?)

Bruce Byfield, Outlaw Communications
Contributing Editor, Maximum Linux
bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com | Tel: 604.421.7189

"Better a good run than a bad stand." -James Keelaghan

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