Re: portfolios vs. writing samples

Subject: Re: portfolios vs. writing samples
From: "Cindy Ravenna" <cravenna -at- earthlink -dot- net>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 16:36:18 -0400

Same question, different slant:
I'm developing a business Web site for myself as an independent contractor.
The site will include my experience, education, computer skills, and work
history. It's looking pretty good but I need to decide whether to attempt
to include any portfolio pieces online.

Obviously, I have the same proprietary constraints that many of you do so
most of what I could put up is either older or from my MS Tech Com program.
Unfortunately, I can't even post much my school work because it relates to
work I was doing at the time. This includes, regretably, my Web and online
help projects. The school work includes research papers (short), a process
description, a brief Info Map, etc. It's good but not as indicative of my
range as I'd like.

Am I better off not posting portfolio items and then picking and choosing
based on the job? Or is posting something that demonstrates my thinking and
writing skills better than nothing?

Help! (and thanks!)

Cindy Ravenna
Technical Communicator
Atlanta, Georgia
cravenna -at- earthlink -dot- net

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