RE: Sample Writing Tests

Subject: RE: Sample Writing Tests
From: "Giordano, Connie" <Connie -dot- Giordano -at- FMR -dot- COM>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 09:56:51 -0400

In a nutshell, tests that ask you to document something ridiculous, or ones
that in any way resemble your SATs are pretty much a waste of everyone's

Tests that are relevant to the project and the kind of content you'd be
responsible for can be extremely useful for all sorts of reasons previously

Writers, or any other skilled professional, who take the attitude that
they're too good to go through the process the employer requires can't even
remotely relate to concepts of teamwork and productivity.

Drug screens, background checks, and credit checks are invasive, annoying,
and usually fraught with errors. However it's a part of the American job
scene, and you're often stuck with them or turning down an offer.

If you've never had a loser on staff, you probably can't relate, and I
applaud your luck. However, it's much the same as the disaster recovery
specialists say "It's not a matter of if, it's when".

-----Original Message-----
From: Michele Davis [mailto:michele -at- krautgrrl -dot- com]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: Sample Writing Tests

Just to throw in an aside, Connie, if you had a BA let's say, and you were
to do an 8th grade level editing, math, and spelling test, what would you

I think this is what people, including me, are saying we wouldn't do.

Now, I was applying for a web re-design contract and they were having all
candidates create 1 page, the first one, of their web page to "really"
their work. Ugh. But I did it, because I wanted the job.

Another situation I was in was where a publisher needed a co-author for a
technical person who couldn't write but was writing a book. It took me four
hours to re-write a chapter for them. I didn't get the job, but I told her
long it took me, and she reimbursed me for my time. Wow! What a nice
company, I
would love to work for them.

So, in the above instances, yes, I will take a "test," but not in the
way, and maybe that's where Johnny and Marilynne are coming from.

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