Re: FWD: Dealing with a challenging work situation

Subject: Re: FWD: Dealing with a challenging work situation
From: "John Fleming" <johnf -at- ecn -dot- ab -dot- ca>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 10:03:26 -0700

> Subject: Re: FWD: Dealing with a challenging work situation
> From: Mike Stockman <stockman -at- jagunet -dot- com>
> Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 22:51:23 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 82

> On 01/02/01 9:44 PM, anonfwd -at- raycomm -dot- com (anonfwd -at- raycomm -dot- com)


> >I do plan to start a job hunt soon. I may have a job
> >in a neighboring state, but it may take several months
> >before it materializes. I just need to know how to
> >deal with things here until that time.
> [snip]
> >Any perspective you can help me gain would be greatly appreciated.

> I definitely sympathize, and appreciate the good story, but I'm not
> what you really want from the list. You have what might have been a
> decent job in a lousy situation, you have too much empathy for your
> co-workers, and you should leave. But you already knew all that, and
> as much.

> So all I can think to tell you, as far as "how to deal with things
> until that time," is to get out *faster*. Why wait for a new job
> won't show up for several months? Get something else... it's not as
> good writers, especially with your kind of self-starting, need to
> for a good job to show up. Go. Go now. Don't wait.

> Hope that's the kind of perspective that will help...

I concur.

Adding a little pressure is that the poster mentions possible layoffs
and the boss saying s/he is not being aggressive enough. Also, the
poster mentions completing 33 manuals to the others' zero. Are the
others feeling threatened? Because if they are, they could give the
poster a rough ride.


John Fleming
Technical Writer
Edmonton, Alberta
email: johnf -at- ecn -dot- ab -dot- ca

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