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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* SPECIAL: "From Paper to Web Workshop" with TECHWR-L Discount
* ANNOUNCE: Online-Learning.com - Professional Development Courses
* ANNOUNCE: STC Pittsburgh Chapter Competition Call for Entries
* TRAINING, Santa Clara, CA: Localization Institute's Seminars
* ANNOUNCE: SnagIt - A TechWriter's Best Friend!
* ANNOUNCE: August 2001 Issue of _The Whirler_ Newsletter Available
* ANNOUNCE: Welcome TechSmith as a New TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
* BOOK: Indexing Made Easy
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
presented by Lori Lathrop
"An index is as important to your documentation as your
documentation is to the product."
(Lori Lathrop)
The one-day workshop is for writers and editors who need to create usable
indexes for either printed or online documents. Writers will learn to
apply several productivity tips and techniques in indexing technical
September 28 - St. Louis, MO (early-bird deadline extended to Sept. 17)
November 16 - Seattle, WA
To request a brochure for any of these workshops, contact
LoriLathrop -at- compuserve -dot- com or call 704-531-0021. You may also download a
brochure as a PDF file from the IndexingSkills Web site
October 18 & 19 - Brisbane, Australia
To be announced - Melbourne, Australia
If you are interested in attending a workshop in Brisbane or Melbourne,
send an e-mail message to LoriLathrop -at- compuserve -dot- com
Lori Lathrop is a Past President of the American Society of Indexers (ASI)
and a Senior Member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). The
second edition of her book, An Indexer's Guide to the Internet, was
published by Information Today Inc. in 1999, and she is currently writing
Indexing Skills for Technical Communicators, which is based on her
From Paper to Web: Creating Web Based Training (WBT) Materials
This course teaches writing methodologies for WBT
- October 4-5 (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
***SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Regular rate $695, with special
TECHWR-L rate of $395 (TECHWR-L listserve members only)*****
Applied Indexing
Offered in Washington DC, this course is instructed
by professional indexer Richard "Dick" Evans. He
has indexed many books you will find at Borders or B&N
... computer books, political books, and more.
- November 1-2 (Washington DC Area)
$695 for the two-day workshop
FrameMaker Boot Camp (Basics, Advanced, and Frame-to-Web in 1 week)
Attend 2, 3, 4, or all 5 days depending on your needs
- October 8-12 (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
- October 22-26 (Las Vegas, Nevada)
$375 to $1,875 depending on days attended
FrameMaker+SGML Training for Writers and EDD Developers
Includes information on moving to XML.
- November 5-9 (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
Rates vary from $450 to $2,350.
Mastering WebWorks Professional Edition
We are a WebWorks University member.
- September 24-26 (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
Adobe Acrobat 5.0
Hands-on training (2 days) with optional workshop (1 day)
- October 2-3 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
- October 4 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
*** If you attended our Acrobat 5.0 rollout in the Spring, you may attend
this training at a $200 discount!***
XML Boot Camp
Instructed by "XML Weekend Crash Course" authors.
- September 18-21 (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)
Bright Path Solutions
100 Park Drive #102
Research Triangle Park NC 27709-4265
Main 919.547.0129
providing complete solutions for paper and e-publishing
SPECIAL: "From Paper to Web Workshop" with TECHWR-L Discount
On October 4-5, 2001, in Research Triangle Park, NC,
Bright Path Solutions presents "From Paper to Web:
Instructional Design for e-Learning" at a substantial
discount for TECHWR-L members.
In the "From Paper to Web" Workshop, you examine the three
most common obstacles to a successful e-learning strategy: (1)
lack of interactivity, (2) cultural resistance, and (3) lack of
bandwidth. You learn to identify specific learner obstacles that must
be considered when designing e-learning programs. "From Paper
to Web" provides practical tips and techniques to overcome these
obstacles in your instructional design. Join in for a fast-paced,
highly interactive workshop that focuses on the "real-world"
aspects of designing e-learning programs for the web. Gain a
foundation in training development that is not dependent on any
one authoring tool, but incorporates the principles of effective
instructional development in the e-learning environment.
This workshop usually costs $695, but as a special for the
TECHWR-L community, Bright Path and Raycomm are working
together to offer this workshop to TECHWR-L members for
only $395.
For more information, learning objectives, and to register,
visit: http://www.travelthepath.com/training/wbt.shtml
ANNOUNCE: Online-Learning.com - Courses for Professional Development
Online-learning.com offers online courses for professional
development. We specialize in courses dealing with
Technical Writing, XML Authoring, Usability, and Information
Design. All courses provide extensive instructor support,
interaction, practical hands on experience, and certification.
For further information, please visit:
http://www.online-learning.com or contact
info -at- online-learning -dot- com -dot-
ANNOUNCE: STC Pittsburgh Chapter Competition Call for Entries
STC sponsors annual competitions to recognize professionals, students,
chapters, and special interest groups for their achievements in the
technical communication field.
This year, STC Pittsburgh offers you the opportunity to enter three
different competitions: technical publications, online communication, and
technical art. Entries receiving "Distinguished" awards in our chapter
competitions are automatically entered in the applicable STC International
All details and entry forms are online at
http://www.stcpgh.org/calendar/comp.htm .
Deadline is October 15, 2001.
TRAINING, Santa Clara, CA: The Localization Institute's Seminar Series
Dates: 22-25 October 2001
Introduction to Localization
22-23 October 2001. Cost: $1195
Presenters: Ulrich Henes, Nancy Hoft, Willem Stoeller
Global Content Infrastructure
22 October 2001. Cost $795
Presenter: Shuli Goodman
Introduction to Unicode
22 October 2001. Cost: $395
Presenter: Asmus Freytag
Localization Project Management
22 October 2001. Cost: $795
Presenter: Karen Combe
Advanced Localization Project Management
23 October 2001. Cost: $795
Presenter: Karen Combe
Multilingual Websites
24-25 October 2001. Cost: $995 for any two modules (minimum), and $1395
any three modules.
Presenters: Willem Stoeller, Richard Sikes
Writing and Designing for an International Audience
24 October 2001. Cost: $695
Presenter: Nancy Hoft
Microsoft Project 2000 for Localization Projects
25 October 2001. Cost: $395
Presenter: Willem Stoeller
Group discounts are available. For complete seminar descriptions, agendas,
and registration information, please visit:
(Instructed by Shlomo Perets, http://www.microtype.com)
* Seattle, WA: November 5-6 - Contact Michael Liberatore, Caxton
(415-552.5535, x107, mailto:mliberatore -at- caxton-inc -dot- com)
* Chelmsford, MA: November 12-13 - Contact: Jim Camacho,
FrameWork Consulting (978-742.4949, mailto:frametrain -at- aol -dot- com)
The two-day FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Advanced Techniques Seminars are
designed for FrameMaker (5.x & 6) and Acrobat (4 & 5) users who want
to create high-quality, interactive PDF files. Attend and you will learn
multitudes of undocumented techniques, creative solutions, and tips for
defining Acrobat features within FrameMaker.
Course materials include a 400-page course workbook with step-by-step
procedures, reference materials, technique descriptions and exercises,
and the following software add-ons: SP TimeSavers, FrameMaker Edition
(MicroType), Ari's Link Checker (Dionis) & PageLabeler (Carmen
New: Personal gift - "How To Read a Film" by James Monaco, a multimedia
DVD created entirely in FrameMaker & Acrobat, with SP TimeSavers.
ANNOUNCE: SnagIt - A TechWriter's Best Friend!
SnagIt is vital for technical writers and documentation specialists!
Creating documentation with SnagIt is a quicker and better way to share
information. Announcing our new contest: How do YOU use it? Tell us your
SnagIt story & be eligible for really cool prizes! Visit our site today
for details...
www.techsmith.com/twr <http://www.techsmith.com/twr>
ANNOUNCE: August 2001 Issue of _The Whirler_ Newsletter Available
The Whirler is the every-once-in-a-while update about what's
going on behind the scenes at TECHWR-L. Check out what's new
in August 2001:
* Welcome TechSmith as a new annual sponsor!
* Welcome Anitian as a new annual sponsor!
* TECHWR-L site statistics announced
* TECHWR-L donation feature added
* The value of TECHWR-L sponsors and advertisers
* TECHWR-L server move successful
* Lots of new articles published
* Jobs, events, and seminars wanted
* Writers wanted
* Mentors wanted
Read the complete August 2001 issue at
ANNOUNCE: Welcome TechSmith as a New TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
Join us in welcoming TechSmith Corporation
(http://www.techsmith.com/twr) as a new
Gold-level TECHWR-L annual sponsor!
TechSmith develops the very popular (and frequently recommended
on TECHWR-L) screen capture software SnagIt, as well as video
screen recording and production tools (Camtasia, DubIt, and the
Screen Recorder SDK) to capture and manipulate images, video
and voice. Applications for TechSmith's products range from
technical documentation and software demonstrations to developing
streaming content for Web sites and broadcasting desktop activity
over the Internet.
TechSmith joins a growing list of TECHWR-L annual sponsors,
including Weisner Associates, Online-Learning.com, and
Anitian Corporation. These sponsors, along with TECHWR-L
advertisers and monthly sponsors, provide key support
that enable us to maintain and develop the variety of
TECHWR-L resources and services.
Welcome--and thanks to--TechSmith as a key TECHWR-L sponsor!
For more information about TECHWR-L sponsorships, visit
the About TECHWR-L Sponsorships page at
or contact Eric at ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com -dot-
BOOK: Indexing Made Easy
A new book outlining a sequential indexing method is now available
from William Andrew Publishing.
INDEXING: A Nuts-and-Bolts Guide for Technical Writers, guides you
through the process of sequential indexing in an easy-to-follow
format. You will succeed as an indexer using this new guide. The
book is based on real-world success and the method was tested in
high-pressure publishing organizations over the space of a decade.
For more information, go to:
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 4900 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, is now available and can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 4900+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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