Re: How many worthless stock options do you have?
I'm closing in on 22,000, and I am still flabbergasted at a few offers I've
gotten lately where that is still being considered a substantial portion of
your compensation package.
Believe it or not, my most recent client tried to tell (and I quote exactly), "Equity is where it's at these days"
(It reminds me of the web guy at one company who didn't want to be called a webmaster because the term "was so 1996.")
The last time I was even vaguely fashionable was when something by the Pogues hit the bottom of the top 100 music charts. I got so scared that I would have thrown away all the group's CDs - only *that* would have been being fashion conscious, too.
I told him I'd take 25% more per hour, and let him keep the stock options.
Bruce Byfield 604.421.7177 bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com
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