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For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
Subject:Tracking Revs with the Naive User From:Liz -dot- Goodwin -at- ametek -dot- com To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Mon, 25 Feb 2002 11:03:14 -0500
Justin aksed . . .
How can I better track changes in procedures and revision levels so that
documentation can be changed before delivery of the product, and monthly
updates can be generated?
Have you considered using an Engineering Change Number (ECN)? Use a
database - we use Lotus Notes.
assign your documents a number
create the ECN form
have the database assign a sequential number for each ECN generated
indicate the changes and the new rev level on the ECN
do not "complete" the ECN until the documentation has been changed and a
new copy generated with the correct rev level.
To check for the latest rev level of a document, just search for your
document number and the ECNs against that number can be accessed. You have
the latest rev and a history of the changes.
To make a change to your document and create a new rev level, just create a
new ECN.
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