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Re: Fw: Why do we put so many warnings in our manuals?
Subject:Re: Fw: Why do we put so many warnings in our manuals? From:Janice Gelb <janice -dot- gelb -at- sun -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Mon, 05 Aug 2002 10:45:59 -0700
letoured -at- together -dot- net wrote:
>>>Syed Ahmed <SAhmed -at- DKSYSTEMS -dot- com> said:
>>>>I agree that America may have a higher number of "bogus" or
>>>>illegitimate lawsuits than other countires, due to such factors
>>>>as a lack of NHS, a societal lack of a sense of personal
>>>>responsibility, notion of a "victimized culture", etc.
>>> letoured -at- together -dot- net wrote:
>>> Actually this is a fallacy too. Bogus lawsuits do not go through
>>> the courts.
>>> If they have no merit, they are thrown out before they ever reach
>>> trial.
>> Bill Buckheit <kcbillb2 -at- kc -dot- rr -dot- com> said:
>>I suppose that depends on who is defining what a "bogus lawsuit" is.
> No it doesn't. If there is no merit to the case, a judge does not
> have to allow the case to go forward.
You missed Bill's point. You're talking about legal
definitions of a case with no merit, as opposed to
perhaps what the average person might consider to
be a legitimate lawsuit, which is probably what
Syed meant.
Janice Gelb | Just speaking for me, not Sun.
janice -dot- gelb -at- eng -dot- sun -dot- com |
"The legal system prevents us from killing each other. The
etiquette system prevents us from driving each other crazy."
-- Miss Manners
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