Re: observation of tech writer status

Subject: Re: observation of tech writer status
From: Bruce Byfield <bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 17:45:57 -0800

Sean Hower wrote:

Really? I wonder if you're exagerating or if you're perception of the situation is accurate (not taking a pot shot at you, just wondering if other could corroborate that). If it is true, it's missing the point of technical writing. I guess I haven't ran into too many people who were of this belief, so I find it hard to believe.

My impression is much the same as Andrew's. If anything,however, I wonder if he's being optimistic. I still keep running into many tech-writers with the attitude he describes. Usually, it's in the form of "I'm an expert in writing. I don't have to be an expert in what I'm documenting," but it seems all too common.

Bruce Byfield bbyfield -at- axionet -dot- com 604.421.7177

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RE: observation of tech writer status: From: Sean Hower

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