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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* Workshop: Paperless PDFs: Designing for the Screen (NEW)
* TRAINING: XML for Single Sourcing (UPDATED)
* ANNOUNCE: Localization Management Seminars in Chicago, February!
* ANNOUNCE: January, 2003 issue of _The Whirler_ Now Available
* STORY: SnagIt saves sanity
* ANNOUNCE: 40% early reg. discount for LavaCon ends Jan 31!
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
Workshop: Paperless PDFs: Designing for the Screen
STC Montreal Presents "Paperless PDFs: Designing for the Screen"
When: Thursday, March 27, 2003 from 10:00 to 16:00.
Where: Montreal, Quebec.
ENHANCE YOUR MARKET VALUE by designing documents your
Customers will love. Join seasoned presenter Jim Royal
for a full-day workshop, and learn how to use Adobe Acrobat
to design screen and user-friendly electronic documentation.
- Choose the right fonts, colors, and page layout.
- Create true electronic books and embed video and Flash.
- Insert hyperlinks & popups and build dynamic navigation.
Learn from four workshop presentations that show you how to
build complex interactive documents from scratch --
with all sample projects included on a take-home CD.
Early-bird registration is still in effect!
$150 Canadian (about $98 US) for STC members
$175 Canadian (about $115 US) for non-members
For details, visit
TRAINING: XML for Single Sourcing
Bright Path Solutions offers a variety of XML classes, from beginning
classes through very advanced topics. Some teach certain XML-related
tools, while others are generic XML classes. April 28-30, 2003 we are
offering "XML for Single Sourcing." You've heard how XML can be used for
all kinds of things; now learn how to apply it to your publishing. We will
teach you how single sourcing with XML can work, and how you can create
customized and personalized documents in multiple formats, including PDF,
HTML, and more. More information is online at
http://www.travelthepath.com/training/xml.shtml .
Contact George Luke (mailto:gluke -at- travelthepath -dot- com or 919.481.0393) if
you would like more information about this class or are interested in
registering. The class is currently 1/3 full, so don't delay!
Bright Path Solutions
Adobe Certified, Quadralay Certified, and XML smart!
Phone: 919.656.2653
Bright Path Solutions has been involved with XML since 1998. Yes, that is
1998! We have been providing educational events and training classes in
XML since its very beginnings. Our experience stretches back to SGML and
forward to new technologies like XML:FO and RELAX NG.
ANNOUNCE: Localization Management Seminars in Chicago in February!
Presenter: Karen Combe
Cost: $795 reduced rates available for more than 1 registration
Presenter: Yves Savourel
Cost: $795 reduced rates available for more than 1 registration
Presenter: Karen Combe
Cost: $895 reduced rates available for more than 1 registration
Localization Project Management Seminar Description:
This seminar will give new and experienced managers a solid grounding in
project management theory and practice. It will use examples from the
localization field and show the benefits of replacing a highly
individualized process with one that is standard, repeatable, predictable
and consistent. The seminar will have an interactive format that will
allow for participants' questions.
XML and Localization Seminar Description:
The seminar will look at XML from the localization viewpoint: as a format
used more and more to store translatable material, as well as a format
localizers can take advantage of to improve their processes. The seminar
will provide an overview of the basic facets of XML and its related
technologies, underlining the internationalization aspects. It will
present guidelines to create XML vocabularies and to author XML documents
with localization in mind. It will illustrate how to implement
re-usability, localization directives, as well as various some of the
other advantages XML can offer.
Localization Management Seminar Description:
The format of the seminar includes both lecture and interactive
discussions, including at least one exercise or case study. At the
conclusion of this seminar, participants will be equipped to make
decisions about how to structure localization for their companies and will
have tools to aid them in managing processes. A principle goal is also to
address attendees' individual issues and problems.
For complete seminar descriptions, registration
information, and other details, please visit the
Localization Institute's website at
ANNOUNCE: January, 2003 issue of _The Whirler_ Now Available
The Whirler is the every-once-in-a-while update about what's
going on behind the scenes at TECHWR-L. _The Whirler_ provides
a variety of information, including general announcements,
answers to frequently asked questions, reminders, updated
list and site information, and other related information
about the TECHWR-L list and site.
Here's what's new in January, 2003:
* Welcome eHelp and TechSmith as Platinum-level Sponsors!
* January is National Mentoring Month
* WinWriters Conference Discussion List Now Available
* Remember! Read the TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events,
and Announcements!
* Easily Keep up with the Latest Jobs and Events
Posted on the TECHWR-L Site
* TECHWR-L List Approaches Its 10th Anniversary
* Jobs, Events, and Seminars Wanted
Read the complete January, 2003 issue at
Why not consider self-paced learning for 2003? Why not learn
at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home or office,
for a fraction of the time and $$$ of attending a workshop?
Why not consider one of these workbooks from Gordon & Gordon?
* Documenting APIs and SDKs: stop formatting and start writing!
* System Design for Technical Writers: what makes programmers tick
* Good Enough Documentation: strategies for the real world
* Technical Writing 101: the basic skills for success
* Writing Marketing Materials for High-Tech Firms: you can do it!
All month long, we're offering FREE SHIPPING to all
techwr-lers on any workbook you order by January 31.
And our MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE means there's no risk to you.
To find out more, visit www.gordonandgordon.com/t12 today!
STORY: SnagIt saves sanity
Dan the technical writer shuddered as the sound of his coworker running
through his cell phone ring options drifted over the cubicle wall.
When he couldn't take hearing a digitized "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
any more, he ran over to the offending coworker's desk.
"What 'cha doing?" he said nonchalantly to mask his massive irritation.
"I love the options of my new phone!" Brad replied. "I have all these
rings, and -"
"If you love options," Dan interrupted, "I know a screen capture product
you will love."
He sat down and introduced Brad to SnagIt. As they downloaded the free
evaluation version, Dan explained that SnagIt makes work easier because it
can capture any image, text or video on the screen.
"The options give SnagIt its power. You select the Input - the area of
the screen. Then you select the Output - where you want the captured
selection to go. And get this - there are 42 different ways to capture!
You'll never tire of using different combinations of the options to
complete your work," Dan told him.
As Dan returned to his own cubicle, the cell phone ring tones were
replaced with Brad's shouts of surprise and elation over SnagIt's
Dan sang tunelessly, "SnagIt saves my sanity in more ways than one . . .
Just dial D-A-N for all your SnagIt needs . . . SnagIt solves your
problems - and mine!"
Brad's voice rang out.
"Um - Dan - could you hold it down? I'm working here."
Keep your sanity in check at www.techsmith.com.
For even more powerful video capture capabilities, go to www.camtasia.com.
ANNOUNCE: 40% early registration discount for LavaCon ends Jan 31!
Are you an independent contractor, team leader, documentation manager or
business owner?
Are you thinking about starting your own consulting practice or tech comm
If so, LavaCon: The International Conference on Technical Communication
Management is for you! Join us at the beautiful Maui Prince Resort for a
conference that specializes in:
o. Managing Documentation Projects
o. Managing Documentation Teams
o. Managing Your Career/Company
Register today for only $750, 40% off the full tuition price!
See www.lavacon.org for conference dates and a registration form.
LavaCon: Come for the conference, stay for a tan!
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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