Subject: RE: On PDFs
From: Kim Roper <kim -dot- roper -at- pixelink -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 13:01:59 -0400

Kevin wrote:

> My docs come as PDFs, except for the Install Guide, which
> is also printed (and is really a throw-away item).
> When you open my 400+ page User Guide, you can click on
> any ToC entry, or on any Index entry and immediately jump
> to the indicated page. There's also the tree-view pane
> on the left (an Acrobat artifact) that goes one heading-level
> lower than my ToC, and which is also all hot-linked.
> There are also some hot links judiciously scattered througout
> the body of the document.

I do pretty much the same thing using Word source. Cross-reference links,
bookmark panes, the whole shootin' match. Our docs aren't 400 pages
(individually), but things like our API references have a LOT of
cross-reference links. Mention a function, and you can bet I'll saddle it
with a link. (It should come as no surprise that my hardcopy reference
books are littered with sticky-note tabs.)

These link-heavy docs can take a long time to spin to PDF (45 minutes or
more), lemmee tell ya.

Cheers ... Kim
kim.roper at

Technical writers have a way with Word (although today I'm making FrontPage
news ...)

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