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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* STORY: Depend on SnagIt (NEW)
* WORKSHOPS: Indexing, FrameMaker Templates, Dreamweaver
* ANNOUNCE: Books for writers at http://www.writersbookmall.com
* ANNOUNCE: ComponentOne Announces Doc-To-Help 6.5
* ANNOUNCE: LavaCon: Final days to get early reg. discounts
* STORY: SnagIt Multi-User License
* ANNOUNCE: New and Noteworthy on the TECHWR-L Site
* ANNOUNCE: New "Day in the Life of a Technical Writer" Feature
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
STORY: Depend on SnagIt
Dan the technical writer was a little frustrated because: His coworkers
hadn't yet returned his drafts, the deadlines had shifted without him
knowing it, and the engineers had forgotten to tell him about the program
He put his face in his hands and reminded himself that everything would
done. After all, this was the way technical writing always was and always
would be.
He just needed a little pick-me-up . . . what would help?
He browsed through some documentation he'd just created. He looked at the
images he'd captured with SnagIt - the leading screen capture program.
"SnagIt," Dan directed toward the screen, "you help me complete drafts.
You make hitting deadlines easy. And you always change by improving, so
you help me do my work faster."
An energy surged through his body. It wasn't technical writer vs. the
company. Instead, it was technical writer PLUS SnagIt working WITH the
His attitude improved, Dan turned to his work with renewed vigor.
"There are many things I can rely on," Dan said. "Deadlines change,
forget - and I can always depend on SnagIt to help me through!"
Get SnagIt - the trustworthy tool - at www.techsmith.com.
WORKSHOPS: Indexing, FrameMaker Templates, Dreamweaver
STC Carolina offers the following full-day workshops:
A rare opportunity to learn the ins and outs of indexing
from an acknowledged expert in the field.
Presented by: Dick Evans of Infodex Indexing Services
REGISTER SOON: Kay Ethier, 919-244-8559, kethier -at- travelthepath -dot- com
This hands-on workshop will help you make your templates
right -- and complete -- the first time.
Presenter: Kay Ethier of Bright Path Solutions
Contact: Jim Reid, 919-557-3887, jreid2 -at- nc -dot- rr -dot- com
Explore this premier web tool\'s editing and site-management features,
and get a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to its capabilities.
Presenter: Ann-Marie Grissino of Keypoint Consultants
Contact: Naomi Kleid, 919-319-9786, nakleid -at- mindspring -dot- com
Full details on The Training Hub: www.stc-carolina.org/training
ANNOUNCE: Books for writers at http://www.writersbookmall.com
Okay, tech writers. Imagine a bookstore stocked with every
kind of book a writer might want...books on tech writing,
tech editing, medical/pharmaceutical writing, and help
systems....Books on software for writers (yes, on both Word
AND Frame - along with Dreamweaver, RoboHelp, and others).
Books on business and other nonfiction writing (including
marcom, proposal writing, and journalism).... Working on
that novel at night? How about books on writing novels,
screenplays, sci-fi, or poetry? Perhaps books on getting
published, finding an agent, or writing for magazines?
Would books on writing or editing skills come in handy at
work? How about a good dictionary or thesaurus?
Well, this bookstore exists. Books on all the above topics
and more are available at the Writers Book Mall -
http://www.writersbookmall.com - a proud participant in the
Amazon.com Associates Program. We thoughtfully organize
writers\' books into subjects that make sense for
writers, so you can find what you need. Happy browsing!
ANNOUNCE: ComponentOne Announces Doc-To-Help 6.5
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 6.5 delivers improved performance and
reliability and dozens of new features, providing a framework for
enhancing the end-user experience. Users can easily author Help
systems and high quality printed documentation from a single set of
maintained Word documents! You can save time, increase productivity,
and maintain consistency by authoring your Help systems in a robust
environment with more flexibility than ever before!
Users can easily create HTML Help, cross-platform HTML-based Help,
WinHelp, JavaHelp(tm), and print documentation. New features include
a variety of customizable templates; extended paragraph styles; Visual
Studio .NET style Help; enhanced graphics handling; WYSIWYG Contents
Editor; better support for combinations of lists, tables, and margin
notes; built-in styles for authoring "What's This" topics and mid-
topic jumps; and extended indexing.
Buy ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 6.5 today for only $449.95 and SAVE $50
off the MSRP for the full version. Current Doc-To-Help 6.0 customers
will receive the Doc-To-Help 6.5 upgrade at no cost. Users of earlier
versions and competitive Help authoring tools can upgrade to Doc-To-
Help 6.5 for only $249.95, that's $50 off the MSRP.
For additional information or to order, please contact us via email at
sales -at- componentone -dot- com or call 1.800.858.2739. Please use order code:
DTH403400 when placing your order. Offer expires May 31, 2003.
www.componentone.com/d2hads403400 <http://www.componentone.com/d2hads403400>
ANNOUNCE: LavaCon: Final days to get early registration discounts + other
New info about LavaCon, The International Conference on Technical
Communication Management:
o. Deadline to get early registration rates is Wednesday, April 30:
o. New: We now accept Discover cards!
o. Reserve an ocean view room at the beautiful Maui Prince Resort by
April 30 for only $155/night!
o. New low airfare + car rental packages coming soon!
NOTE: You do not have to have your registration paid for to make your
reservation. There is also no penalty for cancelling your hotel
reservation before
October, so be sure to reserve your room at the low rate if you of
$155/night if
you think you may be attending!
LavaCon: Come for the conference, stay for a tan!
STORY: SnagIt Multi-User License
Dan the technical writer listened to his co-worker's statement with
"I don't need SnagIt," Heather said snidely. "The Print Screen key does
everything I need."
Dan didn't feel like confronting her - yet. Instead, he went to his
office, opened up SnagIt, and reminded himself of its many abilities
beyond simple screenshots. He listed out loud, "SnagIt captures text -
it captures it as editable text from places you can't normally capture."
SnagIt can capture every image from a Web site - simultaneously.
SnagIt also has video and printer capture capabilities.
SnagIt Studio allows you to annotate your captures --within the program.
With SnagIt, you can send your capture directly to the printer, as an
e-mail, to the Clipboard, save it as a file, etc."
He shook his head. What was Heather thinking? She just didn't know! She
was unaware that no matter the occupation, computer expertise or current
task, SnagIt improved the appearance of documents. That's part of why
SnagIt offered multi-user licenses -- because so many people found it so
He tapped his fingers to his forehead. If he knew, and he told her, and
she told others . . . eventually, the entire organization would improve
the way it worked!
"Not only do I want to help her succeed," Dan whispered, "But I vow -- I
will help improve the company as a whole."
No longer cowed by Heather's dismissal, Dan set out of his office to find
As he walked, he unbuttoned his dress shirt to reveal the SnagIt t-shirt
Get your SnagIt Multi-User License at www.techsmith.com.
ANNOUNCE: New and Noteworthy on the TECHWR-L Site
Article: "Escape From the Grammar Trap"
by Jean Hollis Weber
New "Day in the Life of a Technical Writer" Feature
New Localization and Translation Area
STC Annual Conference Discussion List
TECHWR-L 10th Anniversary Contests
Visit the TECHWR-L site home page for the
latest additions and features:
ANNOUNCE: New "Day in the Life of a Technical Writer" Feature
Just getting started in tech writing? Or curious about
what other tech writers do? Visit the new Day in the
Life of a Technical Writer feature, located on the
TECHWR-L Magazine-->Getting Started home page:
This new feature highlights technical writers and
their day-to-day jobs. Each time you visit or
reload the Getting Started page, you'll see a
different writer's Day in the Life description.
Visit this feature and submit your 100-word
(or fewer) description!
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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