Re: Best Telecommuting Job Sites / Software Links

Subject: Re: Best Telecommuting Job Sites / Software Links
From: Jean Hollis Weber <jean -at- jeanweber -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>, MB <InfoMgr -at- ForwardAnalysis -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 18:45:08 +1000

"MB" wrote,

I reviewed the 2003 TECHWR-L archives and didn't find any information
regarding reputable web sites for telecommuting positions (tech editor, tech
writer, KM, etc.). Are there any?

The National Writers' Union ( has a job hotline which used to be pretty good but is not specifically for telecommuting or for techwriting. (I haven't used the hotline for several years, so can't comment on its usefulness now.) Anyone can read the listings but in order to get details of who to contact for a job, you need to be a registered member. Details on their website.

... would someone please point out a good site for used documentation
software? The mainstream sites just don't seem to carry FrameMaker,
RoboHelp, Dreamweaver, etc.

I got a copy of Dreamweaver on eBay recently -- one of dozens on offer of different versions. A quick check shows a few copies of FrameMaker and RoboHelp as well. You have to be careful about buying "used" software though -- make sure you get a valid license. OTOH, if you just want to learn a new program, pick up a trial version (if there is one) and study fast.

Regards, Jean
Jean Hollis Weber
jean -at- jeanweber -dot- com
The Technical Editors' Eyrie

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