Re: Indexing style refs
...if someone decides that they don't like "opening a file", and
they don't like "launching a file", but they like "initiating a file"
and they don't find it, I'm to blame?
Um, pretty much yeah, John.
s an indexer, it's your job to anticipate the terms by which your reader might seek information, to include those terms in the index, and optionally to teach them the terms by which you refer to that information so they can be more efficient in future visits to the index.
HTML Indexer 4 is still the easiest way to create and maintain indexes for web sites, intranets, HTML Help, JavaHelp, and other HTML documents.
HTML Indexer 4 includes fully integrated cross-references, target frames and windows, multiple-file output, "one-step accept" of default entries, and more!
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