Re: Indexing style refs
I thought I was talking to the wall.
Apparently you were.
No one has advocated the kind of nonsense suggested in these so-called examples that supposedly prove your point. We're talking about *reasonable* expectations, here.
Perhaps you've received some negative feedback on an index. If so, move on (whether it was justified or not). As an indexer you're responsible for including all the *reasonabale* synonyms, so your readers can find the information they need.
If you don't want to bother or don't have time, turn to the professionals--they'll probably do a better job, and they won't whine about it.
HTML Indexer 4 is still the easiest way to create and maintain indexes for web sites, intranets, HTML Help, JavaHelp, and other HTML documents.
HTML Indexer 4 includes fully integrated cross-references, target frames and windows, multiple-file output, "one-step accept" of default entries, and more!
RE: Indexing style refs: From: John Posada
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