Re: Effective Arguments for Unique Control Names...?

Subject: Re: Effective Arguments for Unique Control Names...?
From: "Anameier, Christine A - Eagan, MN" <christine -dot- a -dot- anameier -at- usps -dot- gov>
To: <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 16:38:56 -0500

> Because of the layout, the team believes users won't
> have a problem figuring out which of the identically-named
> controls to select.
> But from a user documentation perspective,
> identically-named controls can present a problem.
> . . . I asked the user interface design team to append a
> number to the existing control names to differentiate them.

Hmmmm.... if the controls are named the same thing, that's a
documentation problem, i.e., your problem.

On the other hand, if the controls are arbitrarily labeled "Whizbo 1"
and "Whizbo 2" to make your job easier, that leaves the users to wonder
what the numbers mean. Then it's THEIR problem. (Honestly, I can see why
the interface designers weren't enthusiastic about that idea.)

You're outnumbered. Even even a tenth of the users are confused by the
numbered labels you suggested, that's a bigger problem than one unhappy

This sounds like a good place for a screen capture. That way, you can
show exactly what you mean. Or, failing that, you can give a little
context in the procedure: "Click the Whizbo button to the right of the
Foo box."


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