Re: Where to get ppd for distiller installation
Some basic questions:
Installing a ppd (which ppd, and where do I get it -- our enterprise users'
computers are distributed by a vendor admin, with either Win 2000 or XP
already installed. I'd like our users to be able to install the correct
ppd, but they don't have access to the installation software for the
operating systems. Is there somewhere else they can download the correct
ppd? Can I [legally?] pull one out of my own operating system and make it
available to users? Is there one on Microsoft's site?).
PPD files are free (no license required to copy, etc.), and they are always best downloaded either from Adobe ( scroll down to the lower part of the page) or from the printer manufacturer's site rather than installed from the Windows CD. In your case, the printer manufacturer is Adobe, which provides their own PPD files at:
However, I'm not sure that what you need is the naked PPD. You may actually want the AdobePS printer driver, which is available at the top of the page with all the PPDs.
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Where to get ppd for distiller installation: From: Jan Cohen
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