Re: Fun Interview Stories

Subject: Re: Fun Interview Stories
From: Andrew Plato <gilliankitty -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 00:20:26 -0700 (PDT)

"Jason Willebeek-LeMair" <jlemair -at- cisco -dot- com> wrote
> Hah!
> On the way to an interview (which resulted in me becoming a technical
> writer), my 1970 VW bug broke down. It was 120 degrees F (in Phoenix, AZ,
> USA). It was noon. There was no shade in sight. have the interview story that will trump ALL interview stories.

About two years ago, I was looking to hire a PC tech person. I put out ads. The
requirements were pretty limited. But I did want somebody with Windows
experience and some security knowledge.

Anyway, I interviewed a ton of people. One resume came in that looked
promising. From a person named Chris. Chris looked great on paper. Good tech
skills, experience - maybe a winner.

So, we invite Chris to come in for an interview. Chris shows up. On time.

Chris is a about 6'2", 275lb, moustache...wearing a beautiful sun dress, heels,
makeup, and a stylish wig. Yes, Chris is a cross-dresser.

Okay, my first response is of course that this is a joke. But, it quickly
dawned on me that I had to give this guy a fair shake for the job, lest some
lawyer tries to sue me.

So, I had to sit there, and interview this huge, hairy dude wearing a dress.
Its damn hard to keep your face straight, talking about Windows services, when
there is a dude in front of you with his burly arms bulging out of a sun dress.

Fortunately, dismissing Chris as a candidate for the job turned out to be easy.
He (she) wasn't very skilled and I had interviewed many other people with
stronger skills for the job.

So, while you think you may have heard everything and seen everything - you
ain't seen nothing until there's a big hairy dude in a dress asking you for a

Andrew Plato

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