RE: XML Instruction/Class Needed - Suggestions?

Subject: RE: XML Instruction/Class Needed - Suggestions?
From: "Rebecca Downey" <rdowney -at- matrox -dot- com>
To: "Janet Vega" <anutha_writer -at- yahoo -dot- com>, "TECHWR-L (E-mail)" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:41:32 -0400


The W3 page ( has a list of "other resources"
below the links to the specification. This includes online tutorials,
bibliographies magazines and "even movies". ( has a list of brief articles under the
title of "Essentials" that define the various technologies quite well.

Don't let the specs scare you off the technology. There's lots of help
in learning xml out on the web.

Hope this helps.
Rebecca Downey rdowney -at- matrox -dot- com
Matrox Imaging, Technical Writer

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