RE: interviews and ethics

Subject: RE: interviews and ethics
From: "Hoyt, Karen" <Karen -dot- Hoyt -at- pyxis -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 10:47:44 -0700

From: Sean Brierley [mailto:seanb_us -at- yahoo -dot- com]

"I have never seen anyone threaten their employer with
leaving in order to get a raise, not any tech writers
certainly. If I were the employer, I'd let them go,
realizing that I'd failed to make their employment
attractive and failed, already, to make the employee
want to stay."

A couple of years ago, I arranged with my supervisor to telecommute one day a week after I returned from maternity leave. When I got back, the situation (and my supervisor) had changed, and telecommuting was no longer an option. After a few of weeks, I realized what I really wanted/needed was to take some time off and try the mom thing for awhile. I didn't want my resignation to be seen as a ploy to negotiate, so I did quite a bit of research through employment specialists on how to craft my resignation letter so the question wouldn't arise.

One of the agency representatives mentioned something I'd never thought of before: A sure sign your employer has little respect for or loyalty to you offering a raise or other benefits when you submit your resignation. Why weren't they giving you what you were worth in the first place?

Sure enough, when I submitted my resignation, my new supervisor offered to work out a telecommuting schedule. I thanked him, but stuck to my plan, and didn't regret it for a moment. The company I now work for offers telecommuting and more money from the outset.

----Karen Hoyt

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