Re: OT offshoring
Actually, Michele, it is NOT so expensive to live in America!!! I moved
to the UK two years ago and had a RUDE awakening. Housing here is
roughly 2 to 3 times the cost of housing in Dallas, Texas. Salaries are
about half here what they were in Dallas. In fact, as a technical writer
I'd be lucky to make that half! I've only been doing a few odd freelance
jobs here and am very, very lucky to get 15 pounds per hour (less than
$30), and that's only when and IF I can find anyone who knows what
technical writers (here called 'technical authors') even do! Gas (for
cars) is close to $5.00 per gallon. So far, I've found NOTHING here that
is cheaper than in America.
Yes, we do have 'free' medical care, but we have waiting lists: a heart
bypass is about 6 weeks, a hip replacement is 18 months, etc. Most
people, if they can afford it, opt for private health insurance.
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