Re: Dictionary of Connotations
I have many, many online and hard copy dictionaries available. However, I'm
doing some marketing writing, and I was wondering if anyone knows of a
resource (hopefully online) for learning common connotations of words. For
example, I'm thinking of using the word "easy" to describe our product ...
dangerous ground?
Obviously, I know connotations will vary from group to group or person to
person, but I'm looking for something that will at least make me think and
consider my word choice from this angle.
Easy to use? I think you're okay there. Easy by itself? It depends. A manufacturer of garden implements probably wouldn't want to describe a hoe as easy, for example ;-)
In general with marketing and advertising copy, you want a peer or an editor to read everything you write, preferably someone whose mind is usually in the gutter, to search for unintended double meanings (been there, done that, didn't get fired but got threatened). Cultural connotations of common words change so fast that I doubt any reference work would really do what you want. I think you just need someone with a good ear to review what you write.
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Dictionary of Connotations: From: dthomps
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