Re: Gray brackets
I see square light gray brackets around various sections of text...
Anyone know what's causing them?
lyndsey -dot- amott -at- docsymmetry -dot- com wrote:
These are bookmarks, created when the writer wanted to link to a section of text rather than a heading. I am not sure how to discover which x-ref points to that section except by deleting the bookmark and then looking for broken links; however, I am sure there must be an easier way.
Highlight some text between the bookmarks, then from the Insert menu choose Bookmark. The bookmark at the selection point in the text should be the one that's highlighted.
Armed with knowledge of the bookmark name, you can show field codes and search for fields that contain references to that bookmark name.
P.S. Deleting bookmarks can wreak havoc with intricate cross-references,
as well as index entries, and they can be hard to reproduce exactly
as intended.
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