RE: Javadoc resources for tech writers?

Subject: RE: Javadoc resources for tech writers?
From: Joyce Fetterman <JoyceF -at- gtsoftware -dot- com>
To: "'lyndsey -dot- amott -at- docsymmetry -dot- com'" <lyndsey -dot- amott -at- docsymmetry -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:11:02 -0500

Lyndsey wrote:

<< As far as I remember, Javadoc is not written, rather it is generated in
much the same way as a toc in Word or Frame. It picks up some or all of the
following: [snip]>>

True enough. I should have mentioned that I'm editing the generated Javadoc,
but then the offshore developers will put my edits into the code, so that
the next time the Javadoc is generated, we won't have to do all of this
again. I'm not messing with any links, I'm just making the language clearer.

Thanks for the responses I've received so far; add'l responses will be


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