Re: Solution to Strange Link Generation from Frame to Acrobat?
When I generate a file from Frame 6/7 to acrobat 5/6 generally, the links go accross the chapter title, leaders, and page number in the TOC(which is what I want), in other cases they do not (which is what I Do Not want); for example:
NOTE: Turn on the Link Tool in Acroabat, then look at your TOC to see the links.
1. General View - Full Link
|Installing 9|
2. Partial View - Partial Link
|Installing X.| 9
I don't get this, there's no rhyme or reason for this behaviour, and I'm spending a lot of time fixing the links in acroabt (streching them all the way accross).
Does anyone have a solution?
When FrameMaker generates the TOC, it adds hypertext markers at the beginning of each item (linking to the corresponding paragraphs). Hypertext markers create an active area that spans the entire paragraph, but is limited by the a change of character properties (or the presence of character tags).
To have the entire paragraph as a link, you have to remove the character formatting present in your TOC (unless you added the character formats on purpose, trying to control leading dots weight or number style).
Inspect your TOC specification (on the TOC's reference page), select each paragraph and select "Default Pgf Font" to remove any local properties, or remove direct references to character tags (these will be enclosed in angle brackets, but won't start with a $ sign).
Regenerate the TOC and inspect the result. You can see the active area already in FrameMaker, if you hold down the Ctrl-Alt keys and move the mouse pointer in the paragraph.
Shlomo Perets
MicroType *
FrameMaker, InDesign, Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers
FrameMaker-to-PDF Assistants: Form, Navigation, Presentation, Defaults
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