Re: About mil/heavy industries documentation standards (long)
If it'll only take a mere 100 hours, let's just sit Microsoft and Sun in a room and they'll be out in no time with an agreement about how their manuals should look identical. :)
In fact, aside from slight differences in appearance, most manuals *are* identical, just as most published books are nearly identical. Consider book design as a form of industrial design: you have to create a set of cutlery, say, and you can do whatever you want, but the result still has to look and work like a set of knives and forks.
I have worked for, and have used documentation from, many companies that are in different phases of the document design process. By the end of the process, they all come up with pretty much the same rules, which I describe on my most recent web page (the one that gave me the pixel shim trouble):
Lyndsey Amott
Winnipeg, MB R3G 2J3
RE: About mil/heavy industries documentation standards (long): From: eric . dunn
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