Any Perl or FrameScript jocks want a challenge? was: Re: Grade-level writing - tool suggestions?

Subject: Any Perl or FrameScript jocks want a challenge? was: Re: Grade-level writing - tool suggestions?
From: David Neeley <dbneeley -at- oddpost -dot- com>
To: "Hughes, Linda" <Linda -dot- Hughes -at- respironics -dot- com>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 21:55:20 -0800 (PST)

Flesch-Kincaid determination should be fairly simple to determine using various text-processing tools such as Perl (or other scripting language). The Frame doc could be exported as MIF and a script developed to strip out (or ignore) formatting stuff. Then, the two formulas could be applied to determine a score.

The formulas for these two are given and discussed at

I would think that someone competent in FrameScript could also do this directly and tie it into the Frame on-screen controls, but I am not such a person and would have to check.

Both the speed and the ease of such a process should be much better than what you're doing now.


-----Original Message from "Hughes, Linda" Linda -dot- Hughes -at- respironics -dot- com-----

So far our other tech writer has been editing, copying the text from Frame into a Word doc, then analyzing it with the Flesch-Kincaid scale provided in Word. He's not having much luck. Even when it does work, it's a slow, painful way to re-write a 200 page manual.

I've checked the archives to see if there might be a plug-in for Frame, or another program to make this process easier. Grammatik was mentioned, and a few others, but the posts were too old to put any confidence in the information.

Has anyone else gone through this process recently? Any ideas on the fastest, least painful way to accomplish the job? We could even throw a few bucks at it, if the right software presented itself.

Many thanks.


Grade-level writing - tool suggestions?: From: Hughes, Linda

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