Re: Resumes with a sense of humour

Subject: Re: Resumes with a sense of humour
From: Solveig Haugland <solveig -at- techwriterstuff -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 09:04:16 -0700

Hi--here's a case study of humor with resumes. I got hired for my first job with a cover letter containing humor. I don't really remember it exactly but there
was some reference to the fact that I was not entranced by the job offers that allowed me to Earn Big Bucks In My Own Home. Caps as shown. I included the
humor because I figured it would at least make me stand out. It was the first Bush recession, I was recently out of college with no particular experience, and
after a year of applying I reallllly wanted that job.

The group I got hired into was absolutely wonderful -- a great group of people with whom I spent many hours lying on the floor laughing helplessly. So it was,
as it turned out, a good group to try humor on. The president of the company also got into Stanford business college in part by attaching an article and
picture of himself on the job as a chimney sweep so it wasn't an uptight place overall.

On the other hand the humor might not have made a difference one way or the other.

For what it's worth.

solveig -at- techwriterstuff -dot- com

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Re: Resumes with a sense of humour: From: Anameier, Christine A - Eagan, MN

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