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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
"techwr-l owner" <techwr-l-owner -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
<archiver -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
Sun, 17 Jul 2005 02:30:01 -0600
You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* JOB: Technical Writer Needed in Wilsonville, Oregon
* SITE UPDATE: New Article "Turning Off the Tap -- How to be Both
Economical and International"
* ANNOUNCE: Technical Communication, DITA, Frame, S1000D and XML
* TRAINING: Knowing Your Words' Worth - Adding value to global
authoring. FREE Webinar
* ANNOUNCE: Reminder! Chicago STC Presents: Information Architecture
for Content Management July 19-20, 2005
* ANNOUNCE: LavaCon in Honolulu, HI Open for Registration
* ANNOUNCE: New! WebWorks OnTime: On-Demand,
Custom ePublishing Service
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
JOB: Technical Writer Needed in Wilsonville, Oregon
Mentor Graphics, the leader in Electronic Design Automation (EDA),
is looking for a Technical Writer to create user documentation for
IC verification products. These products include physical
verification, resolution enhancement technology, and mask data
processing tools.
* BS/MS in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science
* Familiarity with physical verification (both DRC and LVS),
resolution enhancement technology, or mask data processing
* 4+ years writing technical manuals or online help in an
engineering environment
* Excellent oral and written communication skills
* Demonstrated ability to come up to speed quickly on a new
project and balance multiple tasks
* Experience with designing new documents and document sets
* Demonstrated ability to develop and implement improvements to
the writing process; knowledge of FrameMaker, C/C++, Java,
HTML, XML languages a plus
CONTACT: Jenny Curtis: jenny_curtis -at- mentor -dot- com
07/16/05 - 07/22/05
SITE UPDATE: New Article
Turning Off the Tap -- How to be Both Economical and International
contributed by SDL International
Drip, drip, drip. Do you hear that? It's the sound of profits
dripping away when you're not careful with words in the international
marketplace. Sophie Hurst shows you how to turn off the tap and end
up an international (writing) megastar!
07/14/05 - 07/20/05
ANNOUNCE: Technical Communication, DITA, Frame, S1000D and XML
Why would a technical communicator come to an XML conference?
Because we're providing a great educational opportunity for you!
Come check out the Tri-XML 2005 Conference, July 28-30, 2005 in
Raleigh, NC USA.
* Lynne Price, FrameMaker guru extraordinaire is presenting on
"Why All XML Users Must Define a Tagging Scheme"
* Julian Murfitt, who is with Mekon and a Frame developer, is
speaking on S1000D
* Dave Schell -- THE Dave Schell -- is presenting on DITA
* For you managers, Conrad D'Cruz is presenting on XML in
Business Process Management Systems
The conference has additional presentations on DITA, managing
information, and publishing... Not to mention the great exhibitors
who are showing off their publishing tools and support for standards
like DITA: Arbortext, BlastRadius, Vasont, XyEnterprise, and more!
$40 if you just want to come for Thursday and check out
the exhibitors
$100/day Friday or Saturday
$199 for 3 days!!
--- Register by July 15th and be entered in a door prize drawing
for a portable DVD player and Star Wars Trilogy DVD set!!!
7/14/05 - 7/20/05
TRAINING: Knowing Your Words' Worth - Adding value to global
authoring. FREE Webinar
Knowing Your Words' Worth - Adding value to global authoring
Wed July 20th 9am Pacific Time and Thurs July 21st 9am UK Time
* What is a word worth and how can you bring down the cost of
writing global content in a world overloaded with information?
* How can the re-use of content help in the control of words?
Organizations that want to be global market leaders cannot afford
to consider translation as an after-thought. Translation assets
must be integrated into the content creation process to improve the
consistency of global communications, shorten time-to-revenue in
global markets and lower global information management costs.
Structured authoring and the re-use of content help organizations
maintain consistent messaging, prevent duplications and improve
productivity. SDLAuthorAssistant enables authors to compare what
they are writing against previously translated content and terminology.
Attend this free web seminar and learn how to bring down the cost of
writing and translating a word. The presenters will help you to
understand how this can be done and to look at these critical business
* Bringing down the number of words required for translation
* Structured authoring techniques and the re-use of content
* Optimizing current translation assets and further reducing costs
* Understanding how to bring together the content creation and
translation processes within organizations
Sophie Hurst, Senior Product Marketing Manager, SDL International
Ben N. Urbina, Business Development Manager, Blast Radius
Register Now! http://www.sdl.com/writing
7/12/05 - 7/18/05
ANNOUNCE: Reminder! Chicago STC Presents: Information Architecture
for Content Management July 19-20, 2005
Organizations of all sizes are realizing the need to dump old,
outdated methods of content creation and delivery and moving to the
new paradigm of content management. Why? Because the cost of not
doing so puts your organization at risk. And, it wastes valuable
resources that could be better used developing innovative new products,
improving customer service and reduce unnecessary expense.
Seats are still available for Information Architecture for Content
Management July 19-20, 2005 in Chicago. Register today to get the
knowledge you need to prepare for the move to content management.
Register today: http://www.rockley.com/workshops.htm
You'll learn:
* The business reasons for adopting a unified content strategy
* Why information architecture is critical to a successful content
management project
* How to identify factors that affect your information architecture
* How to support the user experience through content management
And, your instructor will demystify many of the topics that create
content management misunderstandings, including: content reuse,
reuse maps, reuse management rules, metadata for reuse, workflow
processes, content modeling, repository structures, reusable content
building blocks, logical content structures, and much more.
You'll leave the workshop equipped with an understanding of the
factors that impact the design of a successful information architecture
for content management, and you'll understand the role of information
architecture in content management, as well as the concepts involved in
the development of information architecture for your organization.
Register today! http://www.rockley.com/workshops.htm
The Rockley Group Inc. Phone: 905-415-1885
445 Apple Creek Blvd., Suite 120 Fax: 905-415-3413
Markham, ON L3R 9X7 moreinfo -at- rockley -dot- com
7/10/05 - 7/16/05
ANNOUNCE: LavaCon in Honolulu, HI Open for Registration
LavaCon, The Third Annual Conference on Technical Communication and
Project Management, is open for registration!
Comments from previous LavaCon Attendees
"This was a terrific conference!"
"Excellent, top-notch speakers."
"Not only were the sessions informative and stimulating, the workshops
proved to be the most valuable I've ever attended."
What: Over 40 sessions and hands-on workshops
When: September 25-28, 2005
Where: Honolulu, Hawaii
Visit www.lavacon.org for the preliminary program and speaker list.
See you in Waikiki!
LavaCon: The Third Annual Conference on Tech Comm Management
September 25-28, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
ANNOUNCE: New! WebWorks OnTime: On-Demand, Custom ePublishing
For the first time, WebWorks Services is offering Quadralay
Corporation's content conversion expertise to work directly on
your project, to produce your online content directly from your
Word documents, FrameMaker books, or XML content. No training, no
tools, no learning curve, and you can have your documents converted
to virtually any format, customized to your specifications.*
With over 11 years of content conversion experience, we are able to
put on-demand ePublishing within reach of any organization, small
or large. Our Basic Plan for Word or FrameMaker starts at just $99
for up to 1000 pages!
Add localization to your OnTime order to make the most of your
on-demand ePublishing investment. WebWorks OnTime offers expert
translation of your content into one or multiple languages.**
For more information, visit www.webworks.com/ontime or contact an
OnTime Service Representative at 512.719.3399 ext.503
*Certain terms and conditions apply. See Web site for details.
**Translations provided by Adams Globalization.
11/02/04 - 12/30/05
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Lisa
(lisa -at- techwr-l -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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