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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
"techwr-l owner" <techwr-l-owner -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
<archiver -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
Thu, 20 Oct 2005 02:30:00 -0600
You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* WORKSHOP: STC UK Chapter Seminar and Workshop on DITA and XML (NEW)
* JOB: Job opportunity for immediate release (NEW)
* CONFERENCE: Early Registration Deadline Extended to October 26
for Tech Comm 2005 Conference
* ANNOUNCE: Open Source Tech Writer
new wiki for tech writers using open source
* CONFERENCE: European Information Development Conference (EIDC)
9 to 10 November in Wiesbaden, Germany
* ANNOUNCE: Quadralay Ships WebWorks® ePublisher Pro
for FrameMaker
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
WORKSHOP: STC UK Chapter Seminar and Workshop on DITA and XML
The UK Chapter of the STC is hosting an event at Coventry University on
19th November 2005, focusing on XML and DITA.
The guest speaker will be Alan Houser, president of Group Wellesley, Inc.,
a firm that provides consulting, training, and application development
services to support single-source publishing, electronic publishing, and
XML-based publishing.
Alan is an Adobe Certified Instructor in FrameMaker and Acrobat, and is a
member of the OASIS DITA technical committee (see
On 20th November 2005, Alan will lead a hands-on workshop on Information
Modelling and XML. To learn more about these events and book your place
visit the STC UK Chapter's web site at
10/19/05 - 10/25/05
Instructor: Shlomo Perets, http://www.microtype.com
Baltimore MD (Mount Vernon):
* Single Sourcing with FrameMaker, Oct 31
* FrameMaker Template Design, Nov 1-2
* FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Advanced Techniques, Nov 3-4
* Technical Indexing with FrameMaker, Nov 5
* Structured FrameMaker: Authoring, Nov 7
* Structured FrameMaker: Developing EDDs (hands-on), Nov 8-9
San Francisco Bay Area: [10% early reg. discount ends Nov 8]
* Technical Indexing with FrameMaker, Nov 29
* Structured FrameMaker: Authoring (hands-on), Nov 30
* Structured FrameMaker: Developing EDDs (hands-on), Dec 1-2
* Single Sourcing with FrameMaker, Dec 3
* FrameMaker Template Design, Dec 5-6
* FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Advanced Techniques, Dec 7-8
NEW: Instantly be more productive with Toolbar Plus Express 4.0 for
FrameMaker 6.0-7.2, http://www.microtype.com/FMToolbarPlus.pdf
10/18/06 - 10/24/05
JOB: Job opportunity for immediate release
A Massachusetts based company is looking for remote contractors for a
period of two weeks. The job will begin immediately and the pay will be
based on throughput. The project is scheduled to run for a period of two
weeks, but the amount of time that you spend on this project is at your
The job involves English transcription of handwritten text. Quality and
accuracy are of paramount importance to this project. This is the reason
that we are approaching technical writers for this short project.
The job entails entering handwritten responses to open-ended questions of
a survey into Microsoft Word.
We will pay the amount of $1.00 (US) per survey entered and estimate that
20-25 of these surveys can be completed per hour for a moderately skilled
typist. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to apply immediately.
Please send questions and interest to cml82 -at- att -dot- net -dot-
10/18/06 - 10/24/05
CONFERENCE: Early Registration Deadline Extended to October 26
for Tech Comm 2005 Conference
Early registration available now through October 26;
Standard registration rates apply October 27-November 8
The conference, "Tech Comm 2005: Lessons from the Desert -- Resilience,
Survival, Success," is hosted by the STC Phoenix Chapter and STC
Instructional Design & Learning Special Interest Group. Presenters will
offer an oasis of experience and expertise that can help communicators of
technical information survive and thrive in today's business environment.
Planned session topics include computer-based training, Web usability,
multimedia, single-sourcing, and graphics for presentation and
instruction. Anticipated speakers include international Society president
Suzanna Laurent and second vice president Linda Oestreich; past Society
presidents Mark Hanigan and Lance Gelein; and Intercom columnist Neil
Perlin. Conference attendees will receive complimentary admission to a
half-day STC Community Leadership Workshop.
In addition, Tech Comm 2005 will feature several postconference workshops
for a modest additional charge. Planned speakers include Melissa Anderson,
who will share best practices for teaching in an online environment using
a CMS (Blackboard); Jean-luc Doumont, who will discuss effective visual
structures; and Thomas Toth, who will focus on developing online learning
using Flash 8.
Registration is now open for Tech Comm 2005, the STC 2005 Region 5
Conference, planned for November 11 and 12 in Mesa, AZ (a Phoenix suburb).
Early registration is available through October 26, and standard
registration rates apply October 27-November 8. For a full list of
registration rates and deadlines, plus the preliminary conference schedule
and program, visit the conference Web site at www.region5conf.com.
10/06/06 - 10/20/05
ANNOUNCE: Open Source Tech Writer
new wiki for tech writers using open source
Open-source software is increasingly attractive to technical writers
seeking greater flexibility and lower costs. Today you can find
open-source word processors, HTML editors, and graphics utilities.
What's harder to find is useful, reliable information and support.
Time spent asking questions and seeking answers is time away from the
task at hand, and it represents a hidden cost of using open-source
software. But we can reduce this cost by sharing our knowledge,
expertise, and experiences.
Open Source Tech Writer (http://opensourcetechwriter.schtuff.com) is a
new wiki for technical writers using open-source software. It aims to
provide the information and assistance tech writers need to
successfully use open-source software. But we can't do this without
your help.
The wiki is publicly editable, so don't just read: write! Whether it's
reviewing a book on OpenOffice.org or updating a link to the latest
version of PDFCreator, your contribution to OSTW will benefit others.
And their contributions will benefit you! It's the same communal
spirit that drives open-source development.
today and contribute to the open-source movement.
Walt Campbell
Fellow Open Source Tech Writer
10/14/05 - 10/20/05
CONFERENCE: European Information Development Conference (EIDC)
9 to 10 November in Wiesbaden, Germany
European Information Development Conference (EIDC)
The European Information Development Conference is a high quality event
for professionals dealing with multilingual product information such as
technical writers, web designers, documentation and information managers,
translators, vendors etc. It provides an excellent platform for
information and knowledge exchange between experts from the industry,
researchers, education experts, service providers and free-lancers.
In six forums the attendees will have the opportunity to hear about and
discuss current TC topics, best-practice examples, new trends and
* Online help forum
* Localisation forum
* XML forum
* Usability forum
* Content management forum
* Terminology in Advanced Management Applications (TAMA)
The forum presentations will be completed by workshops where topics are
approached in-depth and in a more interactive and practice-oriented way.
It will take place 9 to 10 November 2005 in Wiesbaden in the centre of
Germany, close to Frankfurt/Main Airport.
The EIDC conference will be linked to the tekom annual conference (9 to 11
November) which has become, in the past few years, the most important
event in the field of technical communication in Europe.
For more information visit
10/12/05 - 11/08/05
ANNOUNCE: Quadralay Ships WebWorks® ePublisher Pro for FrameMaker
New product allows users to create customized online-viewable content
directly from Adobe FrameMaker documents
AUSTIN, TEXAS?October 4, 2005?Quadralay Corporation, the leading provider
of complete electronic publishing solutions, today announced the immediate
availability of its next-generation software solution for creating online
content, WebWorks ePublisher Pro for Adobe(R) FrameMaker(R).
WebWorks ePublisher Pro is a completely re-engineered, XML-based version
of Quadralay's powerful single-source online publishing solution and is
fully compatible with FrameMaker 7.2, the latest version of Adobe's
enterprise-class authoring and publishing software.
By unleashing the power of XML, WebWorks ePublisher Pro for FrameMaker
gives users the ability to quickly and easily create customized content
for the Web, intranets, professional online Help systems, portable
devices, enterprise-ready XML, or PDFs. The software provides greater
flexibility and ease of use for Help authors, technical writers,
documentation professionals, and other content providers wanting to
produce content for common online formats directly from Adobe FrameMaker
"Our new product, WebWorks ePublisher Pro for FrameMaker, is completely
compatible with Adobe's recently announced FrameMaker 7.2," says Michael
E. Fabry, CEO of Quadralay Corporation. "We are proud of our commitment to
meet the demands of this important user base with this robust software
The many innovations of WebWorks ePublisher Pro for FrameMaker include a
new user-friendly interface and XML-based processing for improved
performance. The new application also includes an online content-preview
window for visual style development, GUI-based advanced customizations,
and more. In all, the solution streamlines work and dramatically
increases productivity, which saves time and money.
"WebWorks ePublisher Pro is the premiere solution for FrameMaker users who
publish online content. Quadralay has made terrific advances in the
underlying technology that allow for maximum flexibility and control.
These advances will truly deliver a higher return on investment for our
customers," says Karl Matthews, FrameMaker Group Product Manager at Adobe.
Pricing and Availability
WebWorks ePublisher Pro for FrameMaker is available for purchase online at
the WebWorks Store at www.webworks.com/store. The software is priced at
US$1,395 for authors, and internationally for US$1,515.
The software can also be bought by contacting Quadralay by phone at (512)
719-3399, extension 501, or via e-mail at sales -at- webworks -dot- com -dot- In addition,
select resellers sell WebWorks ePublisher Pro. A listing of resellers is
available at www.webworks.com/partners/pindex.aspx.
For a limited time, customers can save $250 when upgrading from any
competitive Help authoring tool.
Contact: VP of Marketing
512-719-3399 ext. 244
marketing -at- webworks -dot- com
Read the full press release here:
11/02/04 - 12/30/05
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Lisa
(lisa -at- techwr-l -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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