Re: Cobra or COBRA

Subject: Re: Cobra or COBRA
From: Steven Brown <stevenabrown -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: John Posada <jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com>, "List,�Techwriter" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 10:33:36 -0800 (PST)


>From my experience at a financial services firm
several years, we typically saw use of all caps

That said, I've seen initial caps used in a
journalistic context (for example, "More than 2,000
Nascar fans e-mailed CEO Brian France yesterday in
support of Kurt Busch..."), but it always annoys the
heck out of me!

Steven Brown

--- John Posada <jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com> wrote:

> Hi, guys...
> I'm documrenting insurance stuff and we refer alot
> to the
> Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
> (COBRA).
> For those that know...those in the field where COBRA
> is an industry
> term (as opposed to those who see it only as a
> grammar question),
> because is it an acronym, do you make it all caps or
> even though it
> is an acro, is it so common that it's become a
> normal word "Cobra"?
> Thanks
> John Posada
> Senior Technical Writer

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