RE: Metrics for Technical Writing.

Subject: RE: Metrics for Technical Writing.
From: "Giordano, Connie" <CGiordano -at- tiaa-cref -dot- org>
To: "Smith, Kevin T" <kevin -dot- t -dot- smith -at- bankofamerica -dot- com>, <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:36:12 -0400

Hi Kevin and greetings from another Charlottean!

Big topic on the list right now. I started working on some metrics development when I was over at Time Warner Cable. We had to collect some baseline statistics first, and ended up using Remedy, the trouble ticket/work request solution that all developers, deployment teams, and support personnel used (and one more way to shift to a culture of inclusion for technical communicators)

Some metrics are going to be very much based on the kind of work you are doing. At TWC we were doing primarily operations, policy/procedure, and DR work, in addition to project communications and documentation, and compliance. When I left, we had started picking up some software development

So we determined some likely categories, types and items to group together similar kinds of requests. For example: Project Communications Plan, Application Administrator Guide, IT Mass Communications, Security Policy, and so on. The system allowed us to track actual time spent, reassign tickets when it was time for review/approval, and close them out upon publication or distribution. At the end of the year I was able to develop metrics based on the number of tickets by operational group. Rather than doing page counts, we started being able to estimate turnaround time by type of request, etc.


Connie Giordano, MA
Document Management Specialist
IT Transformation
Charlotte, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: techwr-l-bounces+cgiordano=tiaa-cref -dot- org -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com [mailto:techwr-l-bounces+cgiordano=tiaa-cref -dot- org -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com] On Behalf Of Smith, Kevin T
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 4:39 PM
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Cc: lisa -dot- infocus -at- gmail -dot- com
Subject: Metrics for Technical Writing.

Are there any examples available for metrics that represent technical writing? I would like to collect baseline numbers and track our activity in an IT Development Shop.

Thanks, Kevin

Kevin Smith(PMPĀ®)             Loan Solutions
Gateway Village-800 Building
800 W. Trade St
Charlotte, NC 28255
NC1-025-05-01 - mailcode
w: 704-683-4641 c: 704-281-7022
e: kevin -dot- t -dot- smith -at- bankofamerica -dot- com

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